television engineering

[ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən ˌɛndʒəˈnɪrɪŋ][ˈteliˌviʒən ˌendʒiˈniəriŋ]


  • The application of helical filter in television engineering

    螺旋滤波器在 电视 技术中的应用

  • Application of water television system into water conservancy engineering

    水下摄像(水下 电视、钻孔电视)在 工程中的应用

  • Application of 1 550 nm Fiber Optic Transmission System in Guangxi Village-village Connection Radio & Television Engineering Construction

    1550nm光传输系统在广西村村通广播 电视 工程建设中的应用

  • Based on the jiangsu province network television test engineering technology research center explore technology project teaching .

    本文基于“江苏省网络 电视机测试 工程技术研究开发中心”探索 电视技术项目化教学。

  • The closed circuit supervision limited television and radio communication engineering ;

    闭路监控、有限 电视及无线电通讯 工程

  • Application of panoramic underwater television system to Yangtze river embankment concealed engineering

    全景水下 电视在长江堤防隐蔽 工程中的应用

  • In recent years with the rapid development of film and television animation reverse engineering and industrial testing.3D reconstruction one of the key techniques in this area has received widespread concern and research .

    近年来,随着 影视动漫、逆向 工程和工业检测等行业的迅速发展,三维重建作为其中核心技术之一,受到了普遍的关注和研究。

  • Calculation for the Expenses of Cable television Underground Envelopment Engineering

    有线 电视地埋 工程费用的计算

  • Through selection and analysis on pit decline water engineering technique method of Fujian broadcast television center and predicate declining water quantity and water level examples are provided for the deep foundation pit to decline the water engineering .

    本文通过对福建广播 电视中心基坑降水工程技术方法的选择、剖析,并预测降水水量和水位,试图为同类深基坑降水 工程方案 设计,提供参考实例。

  • These proportions are referred to many times during a study of colour television engineering .

    在探讨彩色 电视 技术时,经常要提到这些比例系数。

  • For example Radio and Television Engineering Liaoning Normal University Professional Camera technology Creation of a new Learning situation for the guidance of teaching made to demonstrate teaching effectiveness .

    并以辽宁师范大学广播 电视 工程专业的摄录像技术课程的开展为例,对创设新的学习情境指导教学取得的教学效果的进行论证。

  • State-analysis On the Unlinear Distortion of Cable Television System ( CATV ) and Some Consideration of CTB Targets in Engineering Design

    CATV系统中非线性失真的状态分析及CTB指标的 工程设计中的思考