tell the tale

[tɛl ði tel][tel ðə teil]


  • Sydney daredevil Mark Mathews lived to tell the amazing tale of his15 second joyride on a monster wave in shark infested waters 20km off the West Australia coast .

    听说过在绝命巨浪上兜风15秒吗?超胆侠Mark Mathews在澳大利亚西海岸20千米以外的海域验证了这个 传说

  • You lived to tell the tale this time but who knows how far you can push your luck .

    这次 逃过了一 ,不过谁知道你的运气还会持续多久呢?

  • I didn 't tell him that the show he 'd missed had been worth twice eighty francs ? the come-on the tale the pretty business of taking the address .

    我没 告诉他他错过 这场戏值两个80法郎&那诱饵,那 故事,以及记下地址的巧妙手法。

  • You want to know how people screwed up and lived to tell the tale .

    你想知道的是别人将事情办砸,后来还能活着 来讲 他们 这个 故事

  • Resist the temptation to be bitter about the experience . You 've just survived a very tough situation and lived to tell the tale !

    你刚刚经历了一个非常艰难的,能活着 讲述 一个处境!

  • But just for to-day tell me mother where the desert of Tepantar in the fairy tale is ?

    但是,今天你可得 告诉我,妈妈, 童话里的特潘塔沙漠在什么地方?

  • The election results from Virginia tell much the same tale .

    弗吉尼亚州的选举也 上面三个州 差不多

  • The numbers tell the tale .

    数字最 说明 情况

  • Tell them in a quiet moment how the fairy tale was

    在静谧的一刻中,悠悠 述说 那个 童话 故事

  • Well you asked me to tell you the tale ?

    你让我 讲讲 圆桌 骑士 故事,对吧?

  • It 's amazing that I 'm still alive to tell the tale .

    我现在还活着 讲述 经历,真是不可思议。

  • Throughout the ages people have witnessed balls of lightning and lived to tell the tale .

    很多年来,人们就发现了球状闪电, 讲述 传说

  • Still we all lived to tell the tale .

    我们到底还是活了下来,能向 世人 讲述 经历

  • Had stared death in the face and lived to tell the tale .

    却又幸运的 下来

  • Few Europeans who had ventured beyond the Himalayas had returned to tell the tale .

    少数几个冒险翻越了喜马拉雅山的欧洲人回来后 讲述这个 故事

  • Mistake about that is forensics will tell the whole tale .

    错在法医会查出 真相

  • Statistics never tell the full tale but for a midfielder who takes neither penalties nor free-kicks 19 goals in46 starts is something worth noting .

    数字永远不能 告诉 一切,但是作为一个不 主罚点球和任意球的队员,在46场首发的比赛中打入19球是非常值得注意的。

  • She made the most famous dress in the world and survived to tell us that the tale is hers .

    她设计了这个世界上最著名的一件衣服,而且还活下来 我们 了她的 故事

  • And I 've lived to tell the tale .

    我活着就是为了 讲述 这个 故事

  • The must have been lost in the jungle for days but unfortunately nobody lived to tell the tale .

    他们一定在密林中迷失方向好几天了,不幸的是他们中没有一个人 生还

  • Don 't Mickey and Mallory leave somebody alive to tell the tale ?

    你们不留下活口 说出 经过吗?

  • If any sailor escaped to tell the tale no one would believe him and consider him insane .

    我相信如果你不 亲自去寻找你是不会知道那神秘的地方都有什么。

  • Leave one alive to tell the tale .

    留个活口 通风报信

  • Although many others have sought entrance to Aloevan 's court none have returned to tell the tale so no one knows whether anyone not called there by Sehanine has ever succeeded in entering .

    尽管许多其他人曾经寻找前往艾罗梵王廷的入口,但是没有人回来 讲述 这个 故事,所以没有人知道是否有未受到莎罕妮召唤的人能够成功进入这里。