temperature shock

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr ʃɑk][ˈtempəritʃə ʃɔk]


  • A corrosion protective and abrasion resistant PA 170 ternary nylon powder coating has been prepared which can be used on epoxy-polybutadiene primer to form a good adhesion on metal substrates and resists temperature shock and penetration of various liquids .

    耐磨性、耐腐蚀性均佳的PA170三元尼龙粉末涂料,与环氧-聚丁二烯底漆配套使用,对金属底材的附着性良好,并能适应较大 温度 波动,抵抗多种介质的渗透。

  • Both high temperature shock and fluoride solution administration could cause great change in CAT activity and the degree of change varied with silkworm race sex stage and administration dose .

    高温 冲击和氟化物添食都能引起CAT活力的显著变化,但变化的幅度因品种、性别、时期和添食剂量而有所不同。

  • When treating spawns in quantity in production 4 ℃ low temperature shock to carp for 1 seconds and to grass carps for 900 seconds is feasible .

    在生产上进行大量鱼卵处理时,鲤鱼采用4℃ 低温 休克1000秒、草鱼4℃低温 休克900秒是可行的。

  • ISW has some special properties such as : higher stabled super-elasticity upon intra-oral temperature changes shock and vibration absorbance .

    ISW具有一些特殊的性质例如:在口内 温度变化下的较佳的热波动性、 震荡吸收。

  • Epoxy Impregnating Resin with Low Viscosity and High Resistance to High and Low Temperature Shock for Miniature Electronic Components

    小型电子元件用低粘度 耐高 低温环氧灌注胶的研究

  • Based on concluding summarizing using and modifying puts forward the methods and procedures of component screening and the whole tool temperature experiment including steps like normal temperature test high temperature test and temperature shock test .

    在归纳、总结、应用、修改的基础上,提出了包括常温测试、升温测试、 温度 冲击三个步骤的下井仪元器件筛选及整机温度试验的方法和程序。

  • Real-time Measurement to Optical Power for Optical Passive Components under Temperature Shock Testing

    光无源器件 温度 冲击过程中光功率的实时监测

  • Special equipment is developed to meet the test requirement with respect to temperature shock automatic control of temperature measurement and data acquisition and automatic alarm .

    针对此次试验任务紧的特点研制了功能齐全的具有 温度 冲击的基本功能、并可实现温度测量和数据采集自动控制、具备报警功能的专用设备。

  • Therefore the luminosity temperature of shock wave radiation source is reliably measured using a six-channel pyrometer .

    文中采取2项措施,用六通道 高温计比较可靠地测量了光源的辐射强度和辐射亮度 温度,解决了实际测量中遇到的问题。

  • After high-low temperature shock for 1 000 times from - 55 ℃ to + 125 ℃ the contact resistance ranges 0 ~ 0.7 % .

    经-55℃~+125℃,1000次高 低温 冲击,其接触电阻也在0~0.7%内。

  • By transfusing temperature raising solution to shock animals as compared with temperature lowering solution we have proved that transfusion of temperature raising solution can maintain and raise the temperature of shock patient directly .

    通过休克动物输入增温溶液和冷溶液的对比实验,证明输入增温溶液对维持和提高 休克病人的 体温有直接作用。

  • Effects of constant temperature and heat shock on trehalose metabolism of Candida krusei were studied .

    研究了 恒温 条件和热 冲击条件对克鲁氏假丝酵母海藻糖代谢的影响。

  • Numerical simulation of temperature shock test for materiel

    武器装备 温度 冲击试验数值模拟

  • Investigation of scaling laws for radiation temperature with shock wave velocity in Al

    辐射 温度与其驱动Al 冲击波速度的定标关系研究

  • Through the use of an experimental method the influence of inlet water temperature on the shock wave pressure rise characteristics of steam water two phase flows has been investigated .

    采用实验方法研究了进水 温度对汽液两相流 激波升压特性的影响。

  • The explosion heating to target is comprehensive results of thermal radiation from high temperature fireball and shock waves adiabatic compressed air and detonation high temperature diffusion .

    本文从理论上分析了炸药空中爆炸对周围目标物产生的致热方式,认为爆炸热效应是爆炸 高温火球热辐射、 冲击波绝热压缩空气以及爆轰高温产物扩散三种方式综合作用的结果。

  • It has the property of simple and fast construction shock resistance erosion high temperature and thermal shock resistance and good overall performance easy-to-repair and other characteristics .

    它具有施工简便、快捷、抗冲击、耐冲刷、耐 高温、抗热 性及整体性好、易于修补等特点;

  • Determination of the vibrational temperature by shock tube

    振动 温度 激波管测定

  • The authors consider that temperature shock treatment to be an effective and simple method to induce triploidy from a commercial point of view .

    作者认为,在商业性生产中, 温度 休克是诱导扇贝三倍体的一种简便、有效的方法。

  • But perhaps you can get to a better masa if you sous-vide the corn at 65 degrees without the huge temperature shock .

    然而,假如你在 华氏65度的 温度下用真空低温烹饪法对它进行 处理,没有了剧烈的 温度 变化,磨出来的粉或许会更好。

  • After high-low temperature shock its shear force is also very high . The shear force from 16 bumps of diameter 200 μ m is : the low 17.5 N the high 42.5 N the average 27.8 N.

    而且,经高 低温 冲击后,仍具有相当高的剪切力:16个直径200μm的凸点剪切力最低为17.5N,最高42.5N,平均值为27.8N。

  • Research the Application of Temperature Shock Test to Composite Explosive

    温度 冲击试验技术在混合炸药中的应用研究

  • Synchronized Division of Paramecium Induced by Temperature Shock

    温度 休克法诱导草履虫的同步分裂

  • Experimental research on non-equilibrium radiative properties of high temperature gases in shock tube

    激波管研究 高温气体的非平衡辐射特性

  • Temperature shock test thermal-mechanical coupling test and finite element analysis were researched .

    进行了钢管混凝土 温度 冲击试验、热力耦合试验及有限元对比分析。

  • The special feature of the new testing method is that a cake-like sand test piece with V-shape groove on its surface is heated from bottom to top in a new-designed high temperature shock heating furnace .

    新试验方法的特点是采用表面有V形沟槽的圆饼形型砂试件,在 热试验炉中受到自下而上的 高温烘烤。

  • The Analysis of Completed Approach and Heat Loads on the Facility of Temperature Shock Test

    温度 冲击试验设备实现途径及热负荷分析

  • The pressure sensors processed with this new technology have a good performance with a small thermal drift and can resist the boiling water and oil attack and 150 ℃ temperature shock .

    用这一封接技术制备的压力传感器有良好的技术性能,热漂移小且能耐沸水、耐油,耐150℃ 冲击

  • Study on High Temperature Thermal Shock Resistance of Al_2O_3 Ceramic Coating

    Al2O3陶瓷涂层抗高 温热 冲击性能的研究