tell the truth

[tɛl ði truθ][tel ðə tru:θ]


  • So I had to tell the truth .

    所以不得不 实话了。现在我 爸爸 禁止我一个 礼拜 不能外面去玩。

  • To tell the truth you need a bath .


  • It is honest of you to tell the truth .

    说出 真相,真是坦白诚实。

  • I never lie . I always tell the truth .

    我从不说谎。我一向都 实话

  • Fixing the boy with a steady look the teacher forced him to tell the truth .

    老师紧盯着这个男孩,迫使他 实情

  • To tell the truth I didn 't know I was on a caution .


  • I 'm afraid you might not tell the truth .

    我又怕你不会 真话

  • To tell the truth I don 't think much of psychiatrists


  • I can 't guarantee anything but if you tell the truth I might be able to help .

    我不能保证任何事情,不过如果你 告诉 真相 ,我也许可以帮忙。

  • To tell the truth I don 't know if I can handle the job


  • To tell the truth I envy him .


  • Although you tell the truth you still fail to convince me .

    虽然你 真话,你还是没有说服我。

  • To tell the truth I thought the content of this episode is not so funny .


  • So I 'm not supposed to tell the truth ?

    那我就不能 实话 实说了?

  • To tell the truth I don 't like it . it 's too noisy .


  • To tell the truth I don 't agree with you .


  • To tell the truth I 'm a bit unsettled tonight .

    实话 告诉 ,我今晚有点儿心神不宁。

  • Tell the truth so of I I don 't like very much .


  • To tell the truth you ` re no fun !

    实话和你 ,你没趣!

  • I like people to tell the truth .

    我喜欢人们 实话

  • At least he got us to tell the truth .

    至少他 告诉了我们 事实

  • To tell the truth I don 't really like her .


  • You must tell the truth .

    你要 真话

  • To tell the truth I wasn 't very satisfied with my performance .


  • They bind over to tell the truth .

    他们发誓 真话

  • They promised that all I have to do is to tell the truth and leave .

    他们答应我只要我 说出 真相就可以走了。

  • To tell the truth I dare not move the pen to write things .


  • How far did the film tell the truth about Barnes Wallis ?

    影片 讲述 巴恩斯·沃利斯的故事有多少 真实的成分?

  • To tell the truth I couldn 't have gone on .


  • I swear by almighty God that I will tell the truth .

    我对全能的上帝起誓我一定 实话