temperature band

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr bænd][ˈtempəritʃə bænd]


  • Although the effect of correlation between NDVI and brightness temperature from the thermal infrared band of TM imagery was unobvious relatively on urban scale on built-up area scale which affected intensively by human activity it showed a significant negative correlation .

    全市尺度上NDVI与基于热红外 波段 计算的亮 的相关性较差,但在受人类活动强烈影响的中心城区,考虑水体因素的影响,NDVI与亮 之间表现为显著的负相关关系。

  • Photorefractive gratings are promising to be applied to wavelength division multiplexing ( WDM ) systems and electro-optic integration due to the advantages of small size simple structure easy erasing high diffraction efficiency low temperature sensitivity narrow band filtering and so on .

    光折变光栅具有体积小、制作简单、易擦除、可以实时处理、衍射效率高、 温度响应小、可以进行 窄带滤波等优点,其在波分复用系统和光集成方面有着潜在的应用前景。

  • As one of the candidate materials ZnO with the hexagonal wurtzite structure is hardly hot excited and possesses the necessary condition for short-wavelength emission at room temperature due to its large band gap ( 3.37 eV ) and large exciton binding energy ( 60 meV ) .

    作为候选材料之一的ZnO为纤锌矿六方结构直接带隙半导体, 室温 禁带宽度为3.37eV,激子结合能为60meV,室温下不易被热激发,具备了 室温下发射短波长光的必要条件。

  • The complex formation reaction in aqueous medium is very rapid at room temperature . The Soret band of the complex lies at 472 nm .

    络合物形成反应在 室温 可迅速进行,它的Soret 在472nm。

  • Fiber-optic temperature sensor based on semiconductor band edge absorption

    吸收式光纤 温度传感器

  • Calculation of sky temperature at 3 mm band

    3mm 波段天空亮 的计算

  • Studying temperature field of band steel in the course of rolling has important significance on improving cooling system .

    研究轧制过程 带钢 温度场对改进冷却制度有重要的意义。

  • The results show that the temperature of shear band increases with the increase of the average strain rate (γ _0 ) .

    结果表明,随着平均应变速率的增加,剪切 温度逐渐增高。

  • EPR was measured at room temperature in X - band .

    室温X 波段对煤标样作了EPR研究。

  • Several vital problems such as high temperature narrow band of the transmission channel in the operation environments of Downhole Video ( DHV ) system are discussed at first .

    首先结合井下电视的实际工作环境,讨论了在设计时需要考虑的一些问题,如 高温、传输信道 等。

  • ASTER is an EOS instrument in Terra satellite which owes 15 bands . Five of them are TIR bands which can be used to retrieve land surface temperature ( especially for band 13 and 14 ) .

    在对地观测卫星ASTER传感器的15个波段中,有5个(10~14波段)是热红外波段,特别是其中的第13和14 波段可以被用来反演地表 温度

  • Several suggestions about temperature late poured band in basement structure seamless design

    地下室结构无缝设计中 温度后浇 的几点建议

  • An integral solution of temperature caused by moving intermittent band heat source

    断续 带状移动热源 温度 的积分解

  • The Effect of Temperature on Energy Band with Exchange Interaction

    温度对于交换作用下的能 的影响

  • The occurrence of dynamic recrystallization in adiabatic shear band showed that adiabatic temperature rise in the shear band was very high whose softening effect gave rise to steel cylinder fracturing preferentially along the adiabatic shear bands .

    内发生动态再结晶表明绝热 升已经很高,它的软化作用使其成为钢管破碎时的断裂通道。

  • And then using the image by ASTER the five thermal wave bands to retrieval the brightness temperature images using the band 13 brightness temperature image to nearly express the surface temperature image .

    对Terra卫星所搭载的ASTER传感器TIR子系统五个热红外波段的图像进行了亮 图像的反演,并用十三 波段的亮温图像近似代替真实温度图像。

  • Considering ECU had to work under the harsh environment of engine compartment for life time it must fulfill to survive environmental stress such as high temperature sine and broad band vibration heat humidity salt mist corrosion and so on .

    发动机控制器常年工作在发动机舱 严苛的工作环境下,须承受 高温、振动、湿热、盐雾、腐蚀和老化等环境应力负载。

  • Absorption spectra of Nd ~ ( 3 + ): KGW crystal for the three crystallographic axes were investigated at room temperature . The absorption band intensities distinctly revealed the anisotropy of Nd ~ ( 3 + ): KGW .

    室温 测量了掺钕钨酸钾钆(Nd3+∶KGW)晶体三个晶轴方向的吸收光谱,其吸收 强度明显显示各向异性。

  • In the design of the light circuit it researches the band scope of temperature measuring system ; the band avoids the influence of environment on the measurement results and improves the system temperature measurement precision .

    在光路部分的设计中,研究了 测温系统工作波段的范围,该 波段避免了环境对测量结果的影响,提高了系统测温精度。

  • As the deposition temperature increases the band gap gradually become small . 3 .

    随着 温度升高 变小。

  • Further increasing the substrate temperature broadens the band tail width of the films because the hydrogen content is too low to passivate the dangling bonds at the NC silicon grain surface .

    对应更高的衬底 温度,因薄膜中的氢不能完全中止纳米晶粒界面的悬键,使薄膜能 尾加宽。

  • Photoluminescence spectra that were excited by Xe laser at room temperature showed a blue band emission with great intensity .

    灯激光PL谱表明 样品具有很强的蓝色发光。

  • It is not always suitable to use Planck 's law or Stefan-Boltzmann 's law to describe the relation between brightness temperature and radiance for a wide band sensor .

    对于宽 波段传感器,不一定能直接由普朗克定律或者斯蒂芬玻尔兹曼定律建立 温度与辐射亮度的关系。

  • The thermal noise of resistance could be overcome by reducing the physical temperature choosing appropriate working frequency band low noise elements etc.

    可通过降低电路的物理 温度、择合适的工作 频带及低噪声元件等措施,克服电阻热噪声。

  • A Comparison of the Algorithms of Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Landsat TM Thermal Band

    基于LANDSATTM热红外 波段反演地表 温度的算法对比分析

  • At room temperature the absorption band attributed to interstitial oxygen broadened due to the generation of oxygen precipitates .

    由于 高温退火过程中氧沉淀的生成,辐照样品的 常温红外光谱中间隙氧吸收 低频端宽化。