


  • Some scholars believe that the reasons causing cryptorchidism and testicular state itself such as inadequate development .

    有些学者认为,造成隐睾的原因与 睾丸本身状态也有关,如发育不充分。

  • Objective : To explore the diagnosis and treatment of testicular intratubular seminoma .

    目的:探讨 睾丸生精小管内精原细胞瘤的诊断和治疗。

  • One SRY negative case showed the presence of testicular tissue .

    SRY阴性的一例患者性腺中也发现了 睾丸组织。

  • Methods : The testicular and renal veins of20 adult cadavers were dissected and measured .

    方法:解剖测量20具成年尸体的 睾丸静脉和肾静脉等。

  • Median testicular volume was lower bilaterally in patients than controls as were median sperm count and motility .

    患者双侧 睾丸体积的中位数低于对照组,精子数目和活动力亦如是。

  • Cisplatin is indicated for the treatment of metastatic testicular tumors metastatic ovarian tumors and advanced bladder cancer .

    顺铂适用于转移性 睾丸癌、转移性卵巢肿瘤和晚期膀胱癌的治疗。

  • Objective : To study the clinical characteristics diagnosis treatment and prognosis of testicular germ cell tumor .

    目的:分析 睾丸生殖细胞肿瘤患者的临床特征、诊断、治疗及预后情况。

  • Testicular biopsies could offer voluble help for diagnosis and treatment of azoospermia .


  • Conclusion It may not be absolutely necessary to fix the normal side testicle during the operation of testicular torsion .

    结论 一侧 睾丸扭转对侧睾丸的预防性固定有手术的必要性,但并非绝对必须。

  • It is known to cause infertility as well as uterine problems in women and testicular cancer in men .

    众所周知,它能导致不孕症还对女性的子宫构成危害,甚至还能引发男性的 睾丸癌。

  • The Chicken Germline Stem Cells Culture and Testicular Tissue Transplantation

    鸡生殖系干细胞培养与 睾丸组织移植研究

  • Expression of the MAGE-A3 gene has been observed in testicular cells but without antigen presentation capabilities .


  • They include deaths from testicular cancer Hodgkin 's lymphoma stomach larynx prostate and lung cancer in men and cancers of the cervix and stomach in women .

    其中包括男性 睾丸癌,何杰金氏淋巴瘤,胃,喉,前列腺和肺癌的死亡率,和女性宫颈癌和胃癌的死亡率。

  • A more plausible explanation is that a common exposure underlies infertility and testicular cancer they wrote .

    一个更合理的解释是不孕和 睾丸癌具有共同的根源。

  • Germ cell neoplasms are the most common types of testicular neoplasm .

    生殖细胞肿瘤是 睾丸肿瘤中最常见的类型。

  • Here is a testicular neoplasm that is mostly teratoma but embryonal carcinoma and seminoma were found microscopically .

    主要成分为畸胎瘤的 睾丸肿瘤,但在显微镜下胚胎癌和精原细胞瘤都可找到。

  • Objective : To study the sonographic appearance of testicular microlithiasis ( TM ) and its correlation with male infertility .

    目的:探讨 睾丸微结石(TM)的超声声像图表现及其与男性不育症的相关性。

  • Improvement of percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration and testicular sperm extraction and application to the diagnosis and treatment of azoospermia

    经皮附睾和 睾丸精子获取术的方法改进及在无精子症诊断和治疗的应用