


  • How did you expect us to proceed on such a perilous expedition through unknown terrain

    你怎么能指望我们如此冒险地穿越未知的 地域,继续这一探险?

  • Research on the Visualization of 3D Terrain Based on RS and GIS

    基于RS和GIS的三维 地形可视化研究

  • For terrain observation and reconnaissance under natural starlight and moonlight illumination .

    本夜视仪可供在自然星光和月光照明下进行 地形观察和侦察。

  • This paper studied the placename-information query and positioning technology and visualization technology in3D terrain scenes .

    研究了3维 地形场景中地名信息的查询定位与可视化技术。

  • The commander made a detailed study of the terrain .

    司令员对 地形作了仔细研究。

  • Rough terrain and local bureaucracy are obstacles to drawing capital .

    崎岖的 地形和地方官僚主义作风,构成了吸引资金的障碍。

  • The vector-graph modeling method of DEM and the fractal-construct method of terrain model are discussed .

    介绍了基于矢量图的DEM建模技术及 地形分形构造算法的应用。

  • Frank Mariano negotiates the desert terrain in his battered pickup

    弗兰克·马里亚诺驾驶他那辆破烂不堪的皮卡车成功穿越了沙漠 地带

  • This section explains how to use the different tools and brushes that alter the Height of the Terrain .

    这一讲讲述了如何使用不同的工具和笔刷修改 地形的高度。

  • He knows the terrain of this locality like the back of his hand .

    他对这一带的 地形了如指掌。

  • The terrain here is very high .

    这里 地势很高。

  • What new terrain advantages are being implemented and how ?

    新的 地形优势实现了什么?

  • Tilt and rotate the view to see3D terrain and buildings .

    倾斜和旋转的观点看三维 地形和建筑物。

  • The terrain changed quickly from arable land to desert .

    那个 地带很快就从耕地变成了沙漠。

  • The AMDB mapping and modeling method the synthesis display technology of airport3D model and terrain were studied emphatically .

    重点研究了AMDB数据绘图映射和建模方法、机场三维模型与 地形的合成显示技术。

  • The effects of the terrain and terrain gradient on the heavy rain of Xichang are studied .

    研究了西昌发射场特殊 地形及地形梯度对其暴雨天气的影响。

  • Heaven 's favourable weather is less important than earth 's advantageous terrain and earth 's advantageous terrain is less important than human unity .

    天时不如 地利,地利不如人和。(《孟子》)

  • The character of existing level of detail ( LOD ) terrain algorithms were studied .

    研究了现有层次细节(LOD) 地形 生成算法特点。

  • They simulated the enemy strength terrain weather etc.

    他们模拟了敌人的兵力, 地形,天候,等情况。

  • The terrain 's high points provide a panoramic view of Los Angeles .

    在这个 地区的制高点能够看到洛杉矶的全景。

  • This paper studied the principle and its realization of terrain coding in virtual battle environment .

    详细讨论了虚拟战场环境仿真系统中 地形编码的原理及技术实现。

  • Study and Implementation of Trees and Terrain Visualization in Scene Simulation

    视景仿真中树木和 地形可视化有关问题的研究与实现

  • The terrain slopes gently .


  • A method for estimating the matching performance of TERCOM map under non stationary terrain is proposed .

    提出了一种非平稳 地形中TERCOM地图匹配性能的估计方法。

  • Similarly you could create a waypoint system for paths on a fixed terrain map .

    同样的,你可以创建一个路点系统,对于固定 地形 场景中的路径。

  • The time isn 't as important as the terrain ; but the terrain isn 't as important as unity with the people .

    天时不如 地利,地利不如人和。

  • The low temperatures here are a function of the terrain as much as of the climate .
