


  • Synthesis of terpinyl acetate from terpineol and acetic anhydride with solid superacid SO ~ 2 - _4 / TiO_ 2 - Ce ~ 4 + as catalyst had been studied for the first time .

    并以该固体超强酸SO24-/TiO2-Ce4+为催化剂, 油醇和乙酸酐为原料合成乙酸松油酯。

  • Influence of the esterification agent and the solvent on the synthetic terpineol catalyzed with solid superacid SO_4 ~ ( 2 - ) / ZrO_2

    酯化剂和溶剂对固体超强酸催化 水合 油醇的影响

  • The results obtained show that secondary octanol is a very effective frother for graphite flotation compared with terpineol .

    结果表明:石墨浮选时,仲辛醇是一种优于 的高效起泡剂。

  • As compared with traditional distillation extraction the extracts of SFE had more terpineol alkane and nicotine .

    与传统的蒸馏萃取法比较,超临界CO2流体萃取提取物中 较多的 松油 、烷烃、烟碱等物质。

  • The principal constituents are terpineol 4 terpinene terpinene and 1 cineole .

    其主要成分是 松油 4、α-松油烯、γ-松油烯、1,8-桉叶油素。

  • Terpineol was conveniently prepared by a new type solid acid catalyst without pollution .

    研究了新型固体酸催化剂催化合成 松油 的新工艺。

  • Study on the Separation of Terpineol Mixture

    松油 混合物的精制研究

  • The major products are terpineol and dipentene .

    主要产物为 油醇和二戊烯。

  • The nanometer solid superacid SO ~ ( 2 - ) _4 / ZrO_2 was used as catalyst for acetylating of terpineol .

    研究了纳米固体超强酸SO24/ZrO2催化 油醇乙酰化反应。

  • The hydrogenation of terpineol to dihydroterpineol catalyzed by Raney Nickel modified by potassium borohydride was studied .

    研究了以硼氢化钾修饰的雷尼镍催化剂催化 油醇加氢制备二氢松 油醇的反应。

  • Progress in the study on Catalysts for synthesis of terpineol

    合成 松油 的催化剂研究进展

  • Study on preparing terpineol catalyzed by h - mordenite molecular sieve

    丝光沸石分子筛催 化合 油醇的研究

  • Hydration reaction experiment of turpentine catalyzed by ZrO2 / SO4-was conducted to study the catalytic function of ZrO2 / SO4-and explore the optimum process conditions for synthesizing α - Terpineol .

    通过用固体超强酸Zr02/SO4-为催化剂催化松节油水合反应的实验,从中考察了此固体催化剂的催化性能,研究了合成α- 松油 的最佳工艺条件。

  • Study of the Catalytic Hydration with Cation Exchange Resin to Terpineol

    阳离子交换树脂催化水合 油醇的研究

  • A Study on Synthesis of α - Terpineol Catalyzed by A Solid Catalyst

    一种 新型催化合成α- 松油 的固体催化剂研究

  • Study on components seperation and utilization of by products in terpineol production

    松油 生产中 产物 化学组成及分离利用的研究

  • Study on the chemical composition of by-product red oil in terpineol preparation

    松油 制备中副产物红油化学组成的研究

  • CONCLUSION : Essential oils in Ephedra Sinica Stapf from Gansu Province do not contain 1 - α - terpineol .

    结论:甘肃产人工栽培草麻黄挥发油化学成分不含有1α& 油醇

  • Study on synthesizing terpineol from terpene hydrate by organic solid acid with liquid acid catalyst

    固-液混合酸催化水合萜二醇合成 松油 的研究

  • A new synthetic method for optically active α - terpineol

    光学活性α- 松油 的合成新方法

  • Thermodynamic analysis for systhesis of terpineol from α - pinene

    α-蒎烯 水合 生成 松油 的热力学分析

  • α - terpineol was created by hydration reaction of limonene and linalool degradation while carvone was created by oxidation reaction of limonene . 2 .

    新增α- 松油 是由柠檬烯的水合反应和芳樟醇的降解而共同累积,香芹酮则由柠檬烯在高压下发生氧化反应生成。

  • Among 71 identified compounds there were 21 hydrocarbons which were mainly limonene and γ - terpinene and 50 oxygenated compounds in representative of linalool α - terpineol thymol and aliphatic aldehydes .

    在碳氢化合物中以柠烯、γ萜品烯为主要成分;而在含氧化合物中主要是沉香醇、α 、百里酚以及一些脂肪族醛。

  • This paper examines the frothing behaviour of secondary octanol and terpineol and studies their efficiencies of floating scale graphites .

    本文测定了仲辛醇和 的起泡性能, 实验研究了这两种药剂作鳞片石墨起泡 的浮选效果。

  • N this paper a method was established for determining heavy arene terpineol and trioctyl phosphate in hydrogen peroxide working solutions .

    建立了气相色谱法测定双氧水工作液中重芳烃、 和磷酸三辛酯的分析方法。

  • The lead free silver conducting pastes were prepared by using silver powder lead free low-melting glass and terpineol ethyl cellulose solution .

    以银粉、低熔无铅玻璃和乙基纤维素 松油 溶液制备了无铅银导电浆料。

  • The one-step hydration of turpentine oil catalyzed by macroporous cation exchange resin to synthesize high purity α - terpineol was studied .

    研究了以大孔阳离子交换树脂 作为催化剂的 松节油一步法水合反应。

  • It is very important to prepare the high - yield terpineol .

    制备高收率的 松油 有着重要的意义。

  • Selection and design of stirring apparatus in terpineol hydration still

    松油 水合反应釜搅拌装置的选择和设计

  • The synthesis of terpineol by the mixed catalyst of Teba and HPA

    TEBA和HPA混合催化合成 油醇