ternary number

[ˈtɚnəri ˈnʌmbɚ][ˈtə:nəri ˈnʌmbə]


  • In addition it also explores into the multi-attribute decision methods with unknown attribute value of ternary interval number and the attribute weight and comes up with the method of weighting coefficients based on deviation method .

    随后,又探讨了属性值为 区间 ,属性权重未知情况下的多属性决策方法。给出了基于方案总偏差最大原则的离差法的权重系数的求法。

  • Union Algorithm from Binary Number to Ternary Number

    基于 临近 区域 递归的二进制数到 三进 合并算法

  • AHP is utilized to determine the system and indicators of the comprehensive evaluation as well as the index weights in the system . A ternary interval number judgment matrix is established according to fuzzy language processing rules .

    利用AHP方法确定了综合评价的体系和指标以及体系中各指标的权重,并依据模糊语言处理准则建立了 区间 的判断矩阵。

  • Two new sorting methods of ternary interval number were put forward based on maximum interval and interval length and verifies the methods with examples .

    提出基于极大区间数和基于区间长度的两种 区间 排序新方法,并通过算例进行验证。

  • Abstract By analysing the calculation formula for the bowing parameters of ternary alloys it is found that the quantity Z in the formula should be the number of the valence electrons of the substituted atoms in a ternary alloy .

    分析了 合金bowing参数的计算公式,指出Z值应当为替换原子的价电子

  • The effect of Ar and He dual mixed shielding gas and Ar He and CO_2 ternary mixed shielding gas on the number of the gas pore and microstructure in the weld was studied in arc welding of 2519 aluminum alloy .

    采用普通电弧焊对2519铝合金进行焊接,研究了Ar和He二元混合气体以及Ar、He和CO2 混合气体对接头的气孔 数目、焊缝组织的影响。

  • This paper discusses the 3x + 1 problem gives an estimate of the range of the questionable num-bers which make this conjecture untenable derives a recurrence relation and simplifies the 3x + 1 operation by the ternary number system .

    本文对使叙拉古猜想不成立的可疑数范围,给出了较〔1〕更精确的结论,还导出一个递推关系,并用 三进 数制简化了叙拉古运算。

  • Therefore how to obtain a reasonable decision-making method becomes an important part in the uncertainty and multi-attribute decision problems under the environment of uncertain information . This article explores into the uncertain multiple attribute decision-making problems with ternary interval number from following aspects : 1 .

    因此,研究如何在不确定信息环境下,得到科学合理的决策方法就成为研究不确定 属性 决策的一个重要研究方向。

  • Under the influence of both subjective and objective factors people are only able to provide some uncertain information in such forms as ternary interval number rather than precise figures .

    在主观、客观等多重因素的影响下,人们往往不能对决策信息给出精确的数字,而只能够给出一些不确定的信息,比如 区间 就是不确定决策信息的一种表现形式。

  • A Method of Conversion between Decimal Number and Symmetrical Ternary Number

    十进制数与对称 三进 之间转换的一种算法

  • By using the security experts scoring evaluation method the index weight at the bottom was first evaluated . At the top-level the ultimate weight coefficient was evaluated by using the ternary interval number theory method .

    首先利用安全专家的打分评价方法,对底层指标权重进行评价,在顶层则采用 区间 理论评价方法得到最终的权重系数。

  • It sets up the comprehensive evaluation model of construction of excellent courses at the university level by integrating the Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) and ternary number interval judgment matrix .

    将层次分析法(AHP)与 区间 的判断矩阵相结合,构造了大学精品课程建设水平的综合评判模型。