terminal enzyme

[ˈtɚmənəl ˈɛnzaɪm][ˈtə:minəl ˈenzaɪm]


  • The results showed that two terminal secondary structure-determined method was a more efficient for the functional domain location of the thermostable enzyme .

    实验结果表明,以二 结构预测结果进行 功能结构域定位是一种更为精确的方法。

  • Present paper used Okamura 's method of oligo dT-cellulose affinity chromato - . graphy to isolate and purify terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase ( TdT ) from calf thymus . The procedure consists of : extraction of crude enzyme ;

    本文采用Okamura氏的寡聚脱氧胸苷酸(oligo-dT)-纤维素柱层析法分离纯化小牛胸腺 末端脱氧核苷酸转移 (TdT)。

  • Cytochrome oxidase ( CO ) is a terminal enzyme of mitochondrial respiratory chain and a vital component of cellular energy production and transduction .

    细胞色素氧化酶( cytochromeoxidase,CO)是呼吸链上的最后一个 ,是细胞能量产生和传递的关键组成部分。

  • The N - terminal amino acid sequence of the enzyme was confirmed .

    测定 的N- 末端氨基酸序列。

  • The N terminal amino acid sequence of the enzyme was determined as follows : ATADAAAFPD . It shows a homology to the sequence of lipase from other fungi .

    脂肪酶N- 氨基酸序列测定的结果是: ATADAAAFPD&这与其他一些真菌产的脂肪酶的序列具有较大的同源性。

  • Cytochrome c Oxidase ( CcO ) is the terminal enzyme of the redox respiratory chain in mitochondria and many aerobic bacteria . It catalyzes electron transfer from cytochrome c to molecular oxygen reducing the latter to water .

    细胞色素c氧化酶是哺乳动物线粒体或细菌呼吸链上的 末端 ,催化电子从细胞色素c到O2的转移并使后者还原为水。

  • Angiotensin ⅱ receptor blockades which block the terminal receptor of the renin angiotensin system is applied by clinician gradually and widely because of the better toleration than angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor .

    血管紧张素受体拮抗剂对肾素血管紧张素系统 终端受体的阻断具有较血管紧张素转换 抑制剂更好的耐受而逐步广泛地应用于临床。