tensile strength

[ˈtɛnsəl strɛŋkθ][ˈtensəl streŋθ]


  • Mixed concrete splitting tensile strength enhanced obviously and have excellent strength restore performance .

    混杂混凝土劈裂 抗拉 强度明显增强,并具有极好的强度恢复性能。

  • Effect of Stand-off Height on Microstructure and Tensile Strength of Solder Joints

    焊点高度对焊点微观组织和 抗拉 强度的影响

  • Early concrete cracks because concrete 's shrinkage deformation and concrete elastic modulus and tensile strength does not adapt produces .

    混凝土早期裂缝产生是因为混凝土的收缩变形与混凝土弹性模量和 抗拉 强度不相适应产生的。

  • Study on the splitting tensile strength and flexural strength and flexural toughness of steel fiber reinforced concrete

    钢纤维混凝土劈 及弯曲 强度和韧性研究

  • They developed a new kind of low-alloy steel which has great tensile strength .

    他们炼出了一种有较大 拉力的低合金。

  • Manganese-bronze sheets a copper-aluminum alloy with high tensile strength and resistance to corrosion .

    GB/T2046-1980锰青铜板一种铜铝合金,具有很高的 强度和防腐蚀性。

  • In this paper numerical analyses on residual tensile strength of stiffened panels with crack damage are carried out .

    对具有裂纹缺陷的加筋板的剩余 强度进行了数值分析。

  • Second the anti-impact and the tensile strength are high ;

    二是抗冲击和 抗拉 强度高;

  • Have good tensile strength and elongation hardness HB-160 .

    有良好的 抗拉 强度和延伸率硬度HB-160。

  • Tensile strength and lap shear strength increased with increasing of grafting degree due to great improvement of polarity .

    聚体的 拉伸 强度、搭接剪切强度和乳化 性能均随顺酐化程度的提高而改善。

  • The nitrite chrome-molybdenum steel crankshaft guarantees the best tensile strength and surface hardness for long-time operation .

    亚硝酸盐铬钼钢曲轴保证了最佳的 拉伸 强度和表面的长期运作的硬度。

  • Glass filled PP will have slightly different values with higher tensile strength .

    玻璃纤维填充的PP材料其参数值会略有不同, 强度会比较高。

  • Tensile strength and stiffness increase as skin thickness ratio increases .

    拉伸 强度和硬度随外壳厚度比增加而增加。

  • The tensile strength and the elongation percentage of the parent metal and the weld zone increased slightly .

    冲击处理使焊缝区和母材区的 强度和伸长率均有所增加。

  • Certain materials can be manufactured with a high tensile strength .

    有些材料可以制造成 抗拉 强度大的产品。

  • This wool possesses high resilience and tensile strength .

    这种毛弹性大, 拉力

  • Firstly the concepts of the interval compression strength and the tensile strength are proposed .

    首先,提出了 岩石的抗压区间强度、 抗拉区间 强度的概念;

  • V-belts & Tensile strength and elongation test method

    GB/T3686-1998V带 拉伸 强度和伸长率试验方法

  • Its thermal deformation behavior hardness and tensile strength were determined .

    对其耐热形变性能以及硬度和 拉伸 强度进行了研究。

  • The product properties such as tensile strength and electric conductivity effected by cooling strength and deformation were studied .

    论述了正火(雾冷和强风冷却)和 回火温度对凸轮 显微 组织 力学性能的影响。

  • Tensile strength was tested and the joint fractures and microstructures were analyzed .

    测试接头 拉伸 强度,并对断口和接头显微组织进行分析。

  • The effect of aging treatment on the tensile strength elongation hardness and microstructure of a cobalt base superalloy used for pistons rings was investigated in this paper .

    本文研究了不同热处理时效温度和时效时间对一种活塞环用钴基高温合金的 抗拉 强度、延伸率、硬度及组织的影响。

  • Made from silicone elastomers ; retains flexibility resilience and tensile strength over a wide temperature range .

    由含硅的弹性材料制成,能在较大的温度范围内保持其弹性和 强度

  • The anisotropy coefficients of the uniaxial compressive strength and tensile strength of numerical simulation results are0.72 and0.24 respectively .

    数值模拟结果得出单轴抗压强度和 抗拉 强度的各向异性系数分别为0.72和0.24;

  • Mild steel has a high tensile strength this being about 200 times that of concrete .

    软钢的 强度大,约为混凝土的200倍。

  • A method for the determination of the rock tensile strength with the holed-flattened Brazilian disc specimen is proposed .

    对用圆孔平台巴西圆盘确定岩石 拉伸 强度的方法进行了研究。

  • The variation of ultimate tensile strength with length for amosite crocidolite chrysotile is shown in Table 2.10 .

    铁石棉,青石棉和温石棉的极限 抗拉 强度随长度的变化情况见表2.10。