


  • Satellite telemetry automatic reduction system

    卫星 遥测 数据自动处理系统

  • Intelligence information gathered from communications intelligence or electronics intelligence or telemetry intelligence .

    从电信侦察或电子情报或 遥感 勘测情报中搜集的情报。

  • Running of the ICP system strengthens the monitoring ability of Hefei Telemetry Seismic Network ; it also plays an important role in researching digital earthquake waves .

    ICP系统的运行,增强了合肥 遥测地震台网的监测能力,也为研究人员对数字化地震波的研究起了很大的作用。

  • Code synchronization and frame synchronization of the telemetry data play an important role in the telemetry data processing system .

    码同步和帧同步在 遥测数据处理系统中占有非常重要的地位。

  • Telemetry and data processing for electrical power

    电力系统的 遥测与数据处理

  • Simulation of Stream Encryption in Telemetry PCM / FM System

    序列加密在PCM/FM 遥测系统中的仿真研究

  • Visual information for satellite telemetry analysis ;

    卫星 遥测分析可见信息;

  • Reservoir Telemetry System Research Based on Mobile Communication Public Network and Wireless Sensor Network

    基于移动通信公网和无线传感器网络的水库 遥测系统研究

  • Research on Design Method of Tactical Missile Telemetry Data Processing System Based on UML

    基于UML的战术导弹 遥测数据处理系统设计方法研究

  • A telemetry navigation system that controls animal-robots based on PC is described .

    介绍了一个通过PC机控制动物机器人的 遥控导航系统。

  • That means the satellites and its related tracking telemetry control and network control stations .

    空间部分指的是卫星及其相关的跟踪 遥测,控制与网络控制台。

  • Design and Application of Observation System in Hefei Digital Seismic Telemetry Network

    合肥数字地震 遥测台网观测系统的设计与应用

  • Design and Realization of Cabin Environment Mobile Monitor System Based on Telemetry

    基于 遥测 技术的舱室环境移动监测系统设计与实现

  • Discussion is also given on such problems as data synchro-detecting error-control in procedure of satellite telemetry data acquisition and processing .

    对卫星 遥测数据采集处理过程中的同步检测、差错控制等问题进行了讨论。

  • The telemetry system is a data logger that records data over several days .

    遥感 勘测系统是一个一些天以来记录数据的数据樵夫。

  • Rockets use a system known as telemetry to relay their information to earth .

    火箭用一个称为 遥测 技术 装置的系统,把它们的信息 给地面。

  • Prediction interval technique for small satellite power system telemetry data

    小卫星电源系统 遥测数据的区间预测技术

  • Application of CDMA Telemetry Technology on the Multi-Point Vibration Measurement System

    码分多址 遥测技术在多点位振动参数自动测试系统中的应用研究

  • Application Research of Software Radio in the Base-band System of Remote Control and Telemetry ;

    遥控 遥测系统是无人机系统的重要组成部分,是无 人机 地面操作者之间联系的纽带。

  • Transmission quality of PCM telemetry system is related to both the transmitting and receiving equipment of the system .

    PCM 遥测的传输质量与射频系统的发射和接收设备直接有关。

  • Realization method of wireless signal transmission and telemetry based on bluetooth technique

    基于蓝牙技术的信号无线传输及 遥测 技术的实现方法

  • Radio telemetry seismic data acquisition system

    无线电 遥测地震数字采集系统

  • In the programming of telemetry software a data filter is necessary to deal with lots of test data .

    在编制 遥测 数据 处理软件的过程中,面对大量的测试数据,经常需要 编写 高效率的数据过滤器。

  • The Telemetry Tracking & Command ( TTC ) communication is in S-band frequency .

    跟踪, 遥测与指挥的通信是使用S波段的频率。

  • Telemetry is common and can be used to remotely monitor the system status .

    遥感 勘测是通常的而且能用来很远地检测系统状态。

  • We should be receiving telemetry now sir .

    我们现在应该可以收到 遥感 勘测 信号了,长官。

  • Throufh intelligence telecontrol telemetry interface can also supply telemonitoring intelligence management for UPS .

    通过其智能化遥控、 遥测接口还可以提供对UPS远程监控智能化管理。

  • Design and Research of Telemetry Torquemeter Based on Bluetooth Technology

    基于蓝牙技术的 遥测扭矩仪的设计与研究

  • While telemetry is not a recording method it is closely aligned with recording .

    虽然 遥测 技术并不是一种记录方法,但它与记录是密切相关的。

  • Research on Data Acquisition and Display for Multi-Channel Signal Telemetry System

    多通道信号 遥测系统数据采集与显示研究