tensile strength test

[化] 拉伸强度试验

  • V-belts & Tensile strength and elongation test method

    GB/T3686-1998V带 拉伸 强度和伸长率 试验方法

  • The tensile strength can be determined from the split test of a disk specimen or Brazil test . However yield and fracture will occur in the rock near the loading points under high stresses which is different from its testing principle .

    圆盘试样的劈裂 试验可以确定岩石的 抗拉 强度,不过由于压条与试样接触处的压应力极高引起岩石的屈服碎裂,与试验原理不符。

  • The performance of the product was researched after it was produced into film by film tensile strength test breaking elongation test and T-tensile test .

    通过膜 拉伸 强度、断裂伸长率、直角拉伸 测试对产品加工成膜后的性能进行了研究。

  • The rock tensile strength measurement using hydraulic fracturing test

    运用水压破裂 测试岩石的 抗拉 强度

  • Experimental results of Marshall Remnant Stability Test Water Susceptibility Tensile Strength Ratio ( TSR ) Test and Rutting Test show that graphite modified ECAC possesses of high anti-water damage ability and excellent high-temperature stability which is expected to apply as new-type pavement .

    马歇尔残留稳定 试验、冻融 试验和车辙试验表明石墨导电沥青混凝土的抗水损害能力强,高温稳定性能良好,可作为新型路面使用。

  • The criterion for the hydraulic fracturing theory is developed on the basis of elasticity maximum tensile stress strength theory and equal ambient pressure test as well as studies on stress and strain fields around hydraulic fracturing boreholes for halite . It proves successful in all tests .

    根据弹性力学和最大 应变 强度理论及等围压 实验,对岩盐水力压裂钻孔周围的应力应变场进行了研究,建立了水力压裂的理论破裂准则,并通过实验进行了验证。

  • The tensile strength of test bars achieved were 230 ~ 270MPa impeller castings can be machined in the as cast state .

    棒σb可达 230-270MPa;叶轮可在铸态下切削。

  • And then the formula of flexural tensile strength of perforated concrete brick masonry is introduced on the basis of test results also the coefficient in the formula is determined by linear regression of the experimental results .

    还提出了混凝土多孔砖砌体的弯曲 抗拉 强度计算公式并通过对 试验结果的线性回归分析确定了公式中的系数。

  • Tension eccentricity of the specimen section is the main problem in concrete homogenous tensile strength test .

    试件截面受拉偏心是混凝土均匀 强度 试验中存在的主要问题。

  • Then the relationship between splitting strength and tensile strength is deduced using the existing test data .

    同时,利用他人已有的 试验数据,拟合出了桁架模型中压杆的劈裂强度与 抗拉 强度之间的关系。

  • Mechanical strength ( tensile strength compressive strength ) test results showed that the mechanical properties of materials could maintain the basic stability which makes the composite materials more safety and reliability .

    力学强度( 拉伸 强度、压缩强度) 测试结果显示,材料力学性能保持基本稳定,说明该复合材料具有安全可靠性。

  • The results reveal that the ultimate tensile strength of the AM50 alloy decreases with the increase of test temperature while its elongation increases with raising up of test temperature .

    结果表明,各种热加工状态下,AM50镁合金的 抗拉 强度均随 试验温度的升高而降低,而伸长率则随试验温度的升高而增加;

  • Electronic testing machine is to test the important mechanical properties of materials mechanical test equipment electronic testing machine has a very wide range of applications it can detect the materials needed to do tensile compression torsion and strength and hardness of the test .

    电子试验机是检测材料机械性能的重要机械试验设备,电子试验机有非常广泛的应用范围,它可以对需要进行检测的材料做 拉伸、压缩、扭转以及 强度和硬度等各项 试验

  • Study on the Derect Tensile Strength of Mortar with Arc-I Shaped Test Piece

    采用圆弧I型截面 件测量砂浆直接 抗拉 强度的研究

  • Tensile stress-strain tests and tear strength were test by AIPU ALJ-02 tensile testing machine . 4 .

    使用AIPUALJ-02型双数显拉力试验机对其进行 拉伸应力应变测试、撕裂 强度 测试

  • Some specimens for tensile strength test were broken after test while some just had a high strain and without fractured .

    拉伸 强度 试验的一些标本在测试后断裂;而另一些则表现出很高的应变,且没有断裂。

  • The tensile strength / elongation of break of GAP / C test is 0.7 MPa / 129 % which is better than GAP / N100 ( 0.5MPa / 56.5 % in literature ) .

    GAP/含能固化剂胶片的 拉伸 强度和断裂伸长率为0.7Mpa和129%,优于GAP/N100胶片的力学性能(对应值为 0.53Mpa/56.5%)。

  • Based on the method and principle study of hydraulic fracturing test for measuring tensile strength the statistic fracture mechanics was used to arrange test results in this paper and the test results were compared with Brazilian method .

    本文在研究水压破裂法测试 岩石 抗拉 强度的方法及原理的基础上,用统计断裂力学整理 试验结果,并与巴西法作了比较。

  • Tensile strength test results indicate CF / MC nylon 6 and MC nylon 6 have similar tensile strength .

    拉伸 实验表明,碳纤维/MC尼龙6原位复合材料的拉伸强度与MC尼龙6相近。

  • Based on the ultimate tensile strength test and extension test under confining pressure the characteristics of flexible concrete are studied .

    通过极限 抗拉 强度 试验和围压作用下的拉伸试验,研究了柔性混凝土的 抗拉 破坏特性。

  • And get the regression equation of strength-water cement ratio and tensile strength-compressive strength basis on the test data . It is found that the equation is anastomotic to the test result .

    回归了抗压强度灰水比关系方程和 抗拉抗压方程,并 验证了抗压 强度灰水比方程,发现和试验结果吻合较好。

  • Tensile Strength Uniaxial Compressive Strength Test on Artificially Frozen Soils

    人工冻土单轴 抗拉、抗压强度的 试验研究

  • Evaluation of measurement uncertainty for tensile strength test

    抗拉 强度测量不确定 的评定

  • Test results on tensile strength of the alloy test specimen indicate that an addition of Al and Zn to the Mg alloy is helpful in enhancing the tensile strength of the alloy .

    合金 试样 抗拉 强度测试结果表明,添加Al和Zn有助于提高Mg-Li合金的抗拉强度。