tentative schedule

[ˈtɛntətɪv ˈskɛdʒul][ˈtentətiv ˈʃedju:əl]


  • The tentative discussion about the information of schedule control

    进度控制信息化 初探

  • Prepares a tentative monthly schedule to record all sales and other related activities for the preceding month .

    每月制定 临时 时间表,用以记录下月所有的销售活动或其它相关活动。

  • Below is a tentative schedule of laboratory assignments for the course .

    下面是这门课 暂定的实验作业。

  • Our tentative move-in schedule is to use the new classrooms upstairs beginning the first week of June for fellowships on Friday and Sunday school on Sunday .

    初步构想 时间表是六月第一周开始让周五的团契及周日的主日学使用二楼新课室。

  • The second circular will be sent to the participants with a formal invitation and tentative schedule of the workshop .

    承办方向参训人员发送正式邀请和培训 初步 行程 时间表

  • Combining with the test section of ballastless track this paper also proposes a series of tentative plans about the on-site construction organization personnel and equipment configuration ; logistics process design construction schedule management and final acceptance orbital position .

    结合无砟轨道试验段,对现场施工组织、人员与设备配置、物流程序设计、施工 进度管理、轨道位置最终验收等环节提出了一系列 设想

  • The latest tentative issuance schedule for the notes can be found .

    查阅债券的最新 暂定发行 时间表