tentative report

[ˈtɛntətɪv rɪˈpɔrt][ˈtentətiv riˈpɔ:t]

[经] 暂编(试编)报告

  • A Tentative Probing into on-the-Spot Report in TV News

    电视新闻现场 报道 初探

  • A Tentative Model of Debriefing in the Communicative EFL Classroom The Regulation of the Report Content on Debriefing One 's Mission

    任务报告在交际 英语课堂中的应用谈 述职 报告内容构成的规范性

  • This paper is a tentative report of the results of strength tests on shanghai soft clays and silts which may be useful for designers .

    本文为上海软土强度试验资料的 初步 总结,包括四个部分:关于上海软土地基的天然强度;软土在固结过程中强度增长的规律;

  • A tentative idea of compiling a supplement to the observation report of the seismographic networks in China ( 1966 & 1970 )

    《中国地震台网观测 报告》(1966&1970)补编 工作 设想

  • Tentative Report on Researches into Lawn Plants in the Countryside in Beise

    百色乡土草坪植物研究 初探

  • A Tentative Study on Instrument of The Read-time Voice Report System

    仪表仪器实时语音检 系统 初探

  • We also presented the opinion about shortage of rapid report work as well as the tentative plan to improve and enhance seismic rapid report work .

    对地震速报工作的不足之处提出了看法.对以后地震 速报的改进、提高作出 初步的设想。