


  • It is all remarkably telegenic and by design .

    这一切都非常 上镜,而且经过 精心设计。

  • The bright and telegenic Miss Foster is being paid around £ 90 a year for her exclusive deal .

    福斯特小姐 头脑聪明, 镜头 十足其独家 节目 拿到约9万英镑的年薪。

  • Nike gained not just a hero athlete but also a telegenic spokesperson who connected with audiences .

    耐克得到的不光是一名英雄般的运动员,还是一 上镜的发言人,能和观众 直接沟通。

  • EXAMPLE : The exciting action of a basketball game makes it much more telegenic than a game of chess .

    篮球比赛场面激烈, 比国际象棋适合 电视转播。

  • He would also have rivalled Mr Berlusconi in his optimism and telegenic skills .

    他还拥有足以媲美贝卢斯科尼的乐观及 上镜 形象