teetered bed


  • Based on separation theory and equipment introduces TBS ( Teetered Bed Separator ) and CrossFlow Separator and RC ( Reflux Classifier ) respectively and application in processing fine coal . According to the analysis fluidization bed separation is an advanced technology for separating fine coal .

    文章从分选理论和设备上介绍TBS、 CrossFlowseparator和RC分选设备,以及其在细粒煤分 选中的应用,分析表明:液固流化床分选技术是适合细粒煤分选的先进技术。

  • Applied research on teetered bed separator for coarse slime separation

    TBS 干扰 分选机在粗煤泥分 选中的应用研究

  • Based on the above analysis the improved distributor and the feeder structure could be applied to optimize the teetered bed separator of the coarse slime .

    基于以上分析,可以通过改进分布器和入料 结构来优化粗煤泥 干扰 分选机。