temporary assignment

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri əˈsaɪnmənt][ˈtempərəri əˈsainmənt]


  • The detachment of a person from their regular organization for temporary assignment elsewhere .

    某人从 本来的 职位 临时 离开去做别的工作。

  • The governor system which originated from the Ming dynasty was a temporary assignment officer at first and then gradually transformed into a permanent local officer . Framework consisted of eight governors and twelve provincial governors were formed in the mid-Qianlong dynasty .

    督抚制度起源于明朝,初为 临时 差遣官,以后逐步向常设的地方官转化,到乾隆朝中期形成了八总督和十五巡抚的格局。

  • Life is a temporary assignment .

    地球上的生命只是一个 暂时 任务

  • The Bible offers three metaphors that teach us God 's view of life : Life is a test life is a trust and life is a temporary assignment .

    圣经提供了三种比喻来教导于神对人生的看法:人生是一场考验、一个信托,及一项 暂时 任务

  • Realizing that life on earth is just a temporary assignment should radically alter your values .

    了解“人生在世只是 暂时 任务”,必会完全改变你的价值观。

  • Only as we remember that life is a test a trust and a temporary assignment will the appeal of these things lose their grip on our lives .

    唯有当我们谨记人生是试验、是信托,是 暂时 任务时,这些东西的吸引力才不再支配我们的生命。