tee junction

[ti ˈdʒʌŋkʃən][ti: ˈdʒʌnkʃən]


  • The CAD Analysis for Tee Junction Coupled Rectangular Waveguide

    矩形波导 T 接头的CAD分析

  • E-Band and F-Band H-Plane Waveguide Tee Junction Slot Coupler

    E波段和F波段波导H面 T 缝隙耦合器

  • Coupling properties of the slot in the common broad wall and E-plane tee junction

    宽边重合并行波导及 E-T 接头的缝隙耦合特性

  • Moment method analysis of tee junction coupler in waveguide e plane

    波导E面 T 耦合器的矩量法分析

  • Eddy Effect of Tee Junction and Its Influence on Lifespan of Superheater

    进口 的涡流效应及对过热器寿命的影响

  • In this paper an experimental research on extrude-bulge forming of tee junction using plastic medium has been conducted .

    此文对利用塑性介质挤胀成形 接头变形力进行了实验研究。

  • Research on the Deformation Force of Extrude-bulge Forming of Tee Junction Using Plastic Medium

    利用塑性介质挤胀成形 接头变形力的研究

  • Velocity and temperature fluctuations of the mixing of hot and cold fluids are the essence to induce thermal fatigue of the tee junction .

    冷热流体混合过程产生的速度和温度波动是诱发 T 管道热疲劳的本质原因。

  • The coupling properties of Tee Junction coupler in a rectangular waveguide E plane are investigated using moment method and dyadic Green'sfunction theory .

    用矩量法和并矢格林函数理论研究矩形波导E面缝隙 T耦合器的耦合特性。

  • Tee junction is easily suffered from temperature fluctuation resulting in thermal fatigue in the piping system of petroleum chemistry energy and power .

    石油化工、能源动力等领域的管道系统中的 T 管道容易遭受温度波动而 发热疲劳失效。

  • Experiments on the pressure loss coefficient of pipe sections around elbow and tee junction

    管道弯头和 距离 耦合阻力系数实验研究

  • The CAD Analysis for Tee Junction Coupled Rectangular Waveguide The Square Pipe Pass CAD

    矩形波导 T 接头的CAD分析方矩形管孔型的计算机辅助设计