telegram charge

[ˈtɛlɪˌɡræm tʃɑrdʒ][ˈteliɡræm tʃɑ:dʒ]

[经] 电报费

  • Because it is sent by telegram the charge is the highest accordingly .

    由于是用 电报发送, 收费相对地最高。

  • What is the telegram charge ?

    旅行 费用是多少?

  • There are several types of telegrams that can be sent locally within the United States . They include : the straight telegram which is the quickest but most expensive allowing 15 words for the basic charge ;

    在美国打国内电报也有几种,包括:直接 电报,最贵也最快,基本 收费的词数是15个词;