telephone circuit

[ˈtɛləˌfon ˈsɚkɪt][ˈtelifəun ˈsə:kit]


  • Principle Analysis and Fault Estimation of Double Audio Frequency Telephone set 's Dialing Integrate Circuit

    电话机双音频拨号集成 电路原理及故障判断方法

  • Based on the analysis of the application of VoIP a design of IP telephone terminal card is introduced . The circuit and the soft program are described in detail part simulation is provided as well .

    在对VoIP应用要求进行分析的基础上,介绍了一种IP 电话终端卡的软 硬件设计方案,详细介绍了 硬件 电路与软件编程方法,并作了局部仿真试验。

  • The Increase of Digit Telephone Number and the Improvement of C_ ( 400 ) Exchange Circuit

    电话号码升位与C(400)交换机 电路改进

  • Maintainence of Telephone Dialing Circuit

    电话机拨号 电路的检修

  • Most single chip modems are designed and manufactured for the telephone circuit . It is only possible to realize point to point communication through one channel with these single chip modems .

    大部分单片调制解调器芯片都是依据 电话 线路设计制造的,即在一条信道上只能实现点对点的通信。

  • The communication system is composed by fiber exchanger and way-side telephone . Development of the circuit providing timing and synchronization signals for private automatic branch exchange

    通信系统主要由光纤数字传输系统、数字程控用户交换机系统和路侧紧急 电话系统三部分组成。数字程控用户交换机时钟与同步系统 电路设计

  • Filter design technology is adopted to simulate the frequency response characteristics of various analogue transmission equipments in telephone circuit connection and to make simulation study on such telephone speech phenomena as different noise behaviours in telephone channels .

    该算法采用滤波器设计技术来模拟 电话 线路连接中各种模拟传输设备频率响应特性,并对电话通道环境中各种噪音行为等电话语音现象进行了模拟研究。

  • The rapid development of the Internet technology has spurred the astonishing advance of all business in recent years . The traditional telephone business that is centered on the circuit switching technology is gradually replaced by the application of the IP telephone business with packet switching technology .

    近年来,因特网技术的发展带动了各项业务的突飞猛进,以 电路交换技术为核心的传统 电话业务已经逐渐被采用分组技术的IP网络电话业务所取代。

  • Also interference with telephone circuit is reduced because of the absence of zero-sequence currents .

    由于无零序电流,对 电话 线路干扰的影响也降低。

  • The article analyses the connection mode of dispatching telephone circuit in common use points out the existent problems caused by this mode and through the theoretic analysis tries to reduce part circuit of this connection mode to build a new type connection mode of dispatching telephone circuit .

    对目前的调度 电话 电路的连接方式进行了分析,指出改 电路方式存在的问题,通过理论分析,试图减少其中的部分电路环节,构建出一种新型调度电路连接方式。

  • New type connection mode of dispatching telephone circuit

    一种新型调度 电路连接方式

  • Application of Adaptive Filter and DSP Technology in Telephone Circuit

    自适应滤波器与DSP技术在 电话 电路上的应用

  • This technique marked a break from the traditional approach used in telephone networks of dedicating a static circuit to each connection .

    电话网路所使用的传统方法,每一次接通都必须占用一条 线路,但分封交换技术完全摆脱了这种束缚。

  • Telephone operation and circuit switch is always the mainstream of the field of telecom since 100 years ago .

    100多年来, 电话业务和 电路交换始终是电信业的主流。

  • To equip ( a room or telephone circuit for example ) with a concealed electronic listening device .

    装窃听器安装隐蔽的电子监听装置(例如在房屋里或 电话 线路上)

  • Introduces a long - distance controller based on telephone network for starting up or turning off electric equipment details the controller working principle circuit design and realize The controller ′ s function is starting up or turning off electric equipment password and password differentiation .

    介绍利用 固定 电话网实现远程用电设备启动或关闭的控制,详述了 固定 电话远程电器控制器的原理、 电路设计和实现,该控制器不仅具有启动或关闭控制,还具有密码及密码识别功能。

  • This paper introduces a methed of realizing multi-point alarm with telephone network and also give the frame graph of the system and electric circuit composition .

    本文主要介绍了一种利用 电话网载波信道实现多点异地报警的方法,并给出了系统框图和 电路组成。

  • In order to renovate and upgrade the traditional telephone dispatching communication system based on circuit switching an electric power dispatching system based on VoIP is put forward and its implementation is proposed . Moreover the structural principle and its main components are presented .

    为了对传统的基于 电路交换的 电话调度通信系统进行升级改造,提出了一种基于IP电话(VoIP)技术的电力IP调度通信系统,介绍了该系统的工作原理及主要部件的实现方案。

  • Characteristics and Ordinary Breakdown Analysis of Telephone Set Integrated Circuit for not Being Lifted Converse

    电话机免提通话集成 电路的特点及常见故障的分析

  • In this paper the designing method and work theory of IP telephone are introduced especially . At the same time the circuit diagram and main program design frame are presented .

    文中着重介绍了IP 电话的实现方法和低功耗 电路 设计思想,给出了IP 电话机的整体框图和 部分 电路图以及主程序设计框图。

  • Factors for Consideration in Electronic Telephone Circuit Designing

    电话机 电路开发设计中的几个问题

  • Recent years with the rapid development of civilian equipment such as mobile telephone digital camera and thin TV the market of FPC ( Flexible Printed Circuit ) which meets high density small and flexible grows apace .

    随着便携 电话、数字摄像和薄型TV等民用设备的迅猛发展,满足高密度化、小型化、灵活组装要求的柔性 电路板(FPC,FlexiblePrinted Circuit)的市场需求急剧增长。

  • It introduces the principles and the methods of a telephone remote-control systems which is based on PIC SCM mainly about the various module and the circuit of the system ;

    介绍一种基于PIC单片机 电话遥控系统的工作原理及实现方法;具体描述该系统各模块组成、原理及具体的 电路

  • This text introduced the telephone supervises and control the auto reports to the police the machine constitutes the construction working principle with it of function and as to it 's does electric circuit proceeded the detailed analysis .

    本文介绍了 电话监控自动报警器的组成结构、工作原理和它的功能,并对其 电路进行了详细的分析。

  • The hardware is made up of the telephone circuit decoding circuit and controlling circuit .

    硬件部分主要由 电话机 线路、译码电路、解码电路、控制电路等几部分组成。

  • A consecutive-k-out-of-n : F system comes from telecommunications and oil pipeline system problems since 1980 . It is quickly discovered that this type of system can also be used in design of integrated circuit satellite relayed communication system and design of telephone circuit etc.

    n中取连续k系统是以电信、石油输送管道系统为背景于1980年提出的问题,之后很快发现这种系统在集成 电路设计、卫星接力通讯系统。

  • Wireless Telephone Remote-Control Circuit Design Based on STC SCM

    基于STC12C5412AD单片机的无线 电话遥控 电路设计

  • The design procedures of interface circuit in 800 MHz wireless base stations and telephone offices are given . The essential realization techniques in the circuit is given .

    设计了日本UNIDEN公司生产的800MHz无线基站与 市话 的接口电路,给出了接口 电路实现的关键技术。

  • In the course of practice by making use of the function of configurable signaling of digital trunk unit ( E1 ) in the switch and by associating with the technology of cross-connection in SDH equipments a new type switching and transmitting mode of dispatching telephone circuit is realized .

    在具体操作中,利用调度 程控交换机中的数字中继电路(E1)可配置信令功能,结合现代SDH设备的交叉连接技术,实现了一种新型调度 电路交换传输模式。