


  • Under special conditions a BPF may also be used as an LPF or as an HPF . filter carrier-current for line telegraphic or telephonic systems

    在特殊条件下,带通滤波器也可以用作低通滤波器或高通滤波器。载波滤波器,有线电报或 电话系统用

  • Referring to our telephonic message of today please deliver the above ten cases tomorrow .

    根据我们今天的 电话 交谈,请于明日运来上述 货物10箱。

  • Hong kong 's businesses and consumers rely heavily on voice telephonic services .

    香港的商业活动和消费者非常依赖话音 电话服务。

  • The experimental results show that the burglar alarm system 's reliability resorting to telephonic communication is boosted immensely .

    实验证明,该 无线呼救系统极大地提高借助 固定 电话通信的防盗报警器的可靠性。

  • Phone Call Telephone Measurement and Analysis of Electromagnetic Interference from Telephonic Communication Equipment


  • Filter carrier-current for line telegraphic or telephonic systems

    载波滤波器,有线电报或 电话系统用