television display

[ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən dɪˈsple][ˈteliˌviʒən disˈplei]


  • Sony yesterday reported increased losses in its games and television divisions and said its liquid crystal display model line was inadequate and its annual sales goal for the PlayStation 3 might not be met .

    索尼(Sony)昨日宣布其游戏与 电视部门亏损加重,并表示,其液晶 显示器生产线开工不足,PlayStation3游戏机的年销售目标也可能无法实现。

  • The results are also delivered directly to television for on-screen display during live broadcasts of events .

    这些 赛果也将通过现场直播直接传送到 电视屏幕上。

  • South Korea 's LG group has two television plants in Poland while Samsung Electronics has a television factory in Hungary and a liquid crystal display panel plant in the Slovak republic .

    韩国的LG集团在波兰有两家电视机生产厂,三星电子(SamsungElectronics)在匈牙利有一家 电视机生产厂,在斯洛伐克拥有一家液晶 工厂。

  • And at the same time the old Cathode Ray Tube Televisions gradually withdraw from the television market . The Liquid Crystal Display Televisions take mainly part of the new generation Flat Panel Televisions .

    老式显像管 电视机渐渐力不从心,而以 液晶电视为首的新一代平板电视逐渐占据了市场主角,且应用领域越来越广。

  • Turn on the television news next Thursday and on display will be the sort of images from China that used to capture the imagination in the days of the Soviet Union .

    本周四打开 电视,你会在 屏幕上看到前苏联时代曾抓住人们想象力的那种中国形象。

  • While high-definition television high-definition projectors and other display devices are bringing large amount of high-resolution screen most general resolution image requires some adjustments in order to be better displayed on these devices .

    随着高清 电视,高清投影仪等 显示设备的普及带来了大量高像素的屏幕,一般分辨率的图像需要一定的调整,才能够较好地显示在此类设备上。

  • A new method for the raster registration between inner yoke and screen in the television display tube is introduced .

    介绍一种 显像管内磁偏转线圈在 上形成的矩形光栅与矩形屏对准的新方法。

  • Plasma display panel ( PDP ) technology has achieved many excellent performances and it has been regarded as one of the best candidates for HDTV ( high-definition television ) a home entertainment terminal with very good display performance .

    彩色等离子体显示技术(PDP)被认为是最适合作为高清晰度 电视(HDTV)彩色 显示终端的技术之一。

  • In this article we will introduce four microscopic teaching systems used in the teaching of Medical Morphology : 1 . The most simple system-color television microscopic teaching system-which can directly display the video signals of simulated vidicon on television .

    本文介绍了医学形态学教学中应用的四种显微教学系统:通过模拟摄像机将视频信号直接在电视机上 显示最简单的彩色 电视显微教学系统;

  • Following the announcement the national anthem will be screened in the backdrop whilst television screens display a picture of the royal .

    在宣布 死讯之后,国歌响起,同时大屏幕将会 显示王室照片。

  • The developments of communication and network technology especially the developments of digital television technology have brought revolutionary changes for image display . High Definition technology has been the new developing direction of video system .

    通信技术与网络技术的发展,特别是数字 电视技术的发展为图象 显示带来了革命性的变革,高清标准已经成为视讯系统技术发展的方向。

  • Companies pay the television networks to display their products on television .

    公司付钱给 电视 在电视上做产品 广告

  • TFT-LCD are widely used in notebook desktop LCD television projector and other different large size electronic display owing to its quick response and excellent display quality .

    TFT-LCD因反应时间快,显示品质较佳,适用于大型动画显示,被广泛使用于笔记本电脑、桌面电脑显示器、液晶 电视、液晶投影机及各式大型电子 显示器等产品上。

  • High quality television display screen used to view a TV signal in its unmodulated state . ( Modulate-to vary the amplitude frequency or phase of radio or television ) .

    用于收看未经压缩的 电视信号的高质量 屏幕,以监控图像质量。

  • The business will be television or personal computer as a display terminal through the broadband network to provide digital broadcast television video services information services interactive communities interactive entertainment e-commerce and other broadband services .

    该业务将 电视机或个人计算机作为 显示终端,通过宽带网络向用户提供数字广播电视、视频服务、信息服务、互动社区、互动休闲娱乐、电子商务等宽带业务。

  • Study of Relevant Technology for Digital Television and Development of New Projection Display

    数字 电视相关技术的研究及新型 投影机的研制

  • A Real-time Programmable Optical Image Preprocessor Based on A Liquid Crystal Television Display

    基于液晶 电视 的可编程实时光学图象预处理器

  • Television Sensor Graphic Display

    电视传感器图象 显示

  • MUSIC BOX shows the best of China 's MTV products . Companies pay the television networks to display their products on television .

    《音乐电视》 展播中国制作的音乐 电视精品。公司付钱给 电视 在电视上做产品广告。

  • Results : After being turned on and polarizing the faceplate the television screen can display the target 's stable and permanent pyroelectric radiant image immediately .

    结果:开机,经靶面极化后, 电视屏幕就能很快地 显示目标物体的稳定和连续的热辐射图象。

  • The clock signal provided by Global Positioning System GPS is widely used as a synchronous clock in broadcasting television system and electric power system and the display of time in public .

    GPS卫星同步时钟广泛用作广播 电视、电力等系统的同步时钟及车站、机场等公共场所的时间 显示

  • This paper is designed to be a whole set of stereo picking up images and display system precisely in view of this kind of demand with the aid of stereo television technology achievement and combining the computer stereo display technology .

    本文正是针对这种需求借助立体 电视技术的成果,结合计算机立体 显示技术,设计了一整套立体摄像显示系统。

  • Explanation of SJ / T 11339-2006 Gener al Specification for Digital Television PDP Display

    SJ/T11339-2006《数字 电视等离子体 显示器通用规范》编制说明

  • This article explains main technology parameter requirement and corresponding measure method of standard SJ / T 11339-2006 General Specification for Digital Television PDP Display . It provides references for relevant staffs in implementation progress of the standard .

    介绍了SJ/T11339-2006《数字 电视等离子体 显示器通用规范》的编制情况,并对有关主要技术参数要求和相应的测量方法进行了解释说明,供有关人员在实施和贯彻标准中参考。

  • The DLP has already become the current essential display technique more and more radio & television monitoring sections are considering the usage of the DLP display system that is built with the DLP technique .

    DLP已经成为当前主流的显示技术,越来越多的广播 电视监测部门正在考虑使用基于DLP技术的大面积 显示系统。DLP系统推广的关键是正确认识其原理、功能并合理运用。

  • Digital television display technology is one of the key of digital TV its core is superimposed text in images simple images so that the display screen to provide users with more additional information for the user convenience .

    数字 电视 屏幕 显示技术是数字电视的关键技术之一,其核心是在图像上叠加文字、图片等,使显示屏幕为用户提供更多的附加信息。

  • Television display screen able to tune in to a modulated or off-air TV signal .

    可以接收一般公众电视节目的 电视机