tell it like it is

[tɛl ɪt laɪk ɪt ɪz][tel it laik it iz]


  • Let me tell it like it is : Things are tough and they 're going to get tougher .

    让我 实话 实说 :情况不妙,而且会越来越糟。

  • Someone should tell it like it is .

    应该有人 实说

  • It 's time to tell it like it is sports fans .

    各位球迷,是时候 这么 了。

  • In the context of earnings manipulation a very basic principle would be that managers should tell it like it is unless openness would demonstrably inflict damage on shareholders and other stakeholders .

    在操纵业绩的这个问题上,一个非常基本的原则是:经理人应该“ 实话 实说”,除非坦诚相告显然会对股东以及其他利益相关者造成损害。

  • True motivators tell it like it is .

    真诚的激励者 实话

  • Lloyd you should just come out and tell it like it is .

    不过,到现在你难道 没有明白,每次 给予的 时候,有人 接受?

  • Lawyers and politicians never tell it like it is .

    律师和政客从不 实话

  • Mr Obama is eloquent but too often he does not tell it like it is .

    奥巴马虽然伶牙俐齿,但往往,他未能 实话 实说

  • TV talk show initially appears in America and it gets a high-speed development in the 1990s . In China we begin to pay attention to TV talk show since the broadcasting of Tell It Like It Is in 1996 .

    电视访谈节目最早出现于美国,并在20世纪90年代取得迅猛发展。而中国对电视访谈节目的关注开始于1996年 实话 实说节目的热播。

  • Work for a boss to whom you can tell it like it is . Remember you can 't pick your family but you can pick your boss .

    为一个你可以对 实话的老板工作。记住,你不能选择自己的家人,但是你可以选择自己的老板。

  • Tell it like it is !

    真话 实说

  • I always tell it like it is but unfortunately sometimes the truth hurts .

    我一向 实话 实说只是有时候实话会伤心。