telephone transmitter

[ˈtɛləˌfon trænsˈmɪtɚ][ˈtelifəun trænzˈmitə]


  • The microphone you see acts much like a telephone transmitter .

    你看,传声器作用与 电话 送话器很相像。

  • By analysing anti-noise ability of ordinary earphone and telephone transmitter how to enhance integration anti-noise jamming ability is discussed on active anti-noise technology development and application .

    通过对普通头戴式送 受话器组的抗噪能力分析,从有源抗噪声技术的发展与应用方面探讨了如何提高头戴式送受话器组的综合抗噪声干扰能力。

  • Discussion for enhancing anti-noise ability Of earphone and telephone transmitter

    提高头戴式送 受话器组综合抗噪声能力的探讨