


  • According to teleology theories a world state-a global monopoly on the legitimate use of organized violence-is inevitable .

    根据目的 理论,世界国家在全球性范围内对有组织暴力的合法的垄断性使用是必然会出现的。

  • Section one saw the origins of teleology and the theory 's ancient and medieval forms as well .

    在第一部分中,笔者 介绍目的论的起源与古代、中世纪的 目的

  • During the course of argumentation the article clarified metaphysics teleology is the base of Aristotle 's natural teleology .

    本文在以上论证的过程中,同时简要地指明了形而上学 目的 同时 构成亚里士多德自然目的论的一个基础。

  • Atahis isn 't only the Confucianism but also the nuclear connotation of the Chinese archaic finery aesthetics teleology .

    这不仅是孔门儒家,也是中国古代服饰美学 思想 目的 的核心内涵。

  • This article argues that Aristotle 's philosophy is a complete system which focuses on theory of teleology . Aristotle 's philosophy of teleology is constituted by three parts : metaphysic teleology natural teleology human teleology .

    本文认为亚里士多德的全部哲学构成了一个比较完整的体系,这个体系的核心思想就是目的论思想, 亚里士多德 目的 哲学体系由三个方面构成:形而上学目的论,自然目的论以及人事目的论。

  • If uniformity is not to be the teleology of copyright law then we are forced back to first principles .

    如果一致不是著作权法的 目的,那么我们就被迫回到基本原理。

  • It understands nature 's external nature value from a new angle and proves the existence of nature 's intrinsic value in terms of teleology and holism and this adds duties to human beings ;

    从人类对自然的依赖这一角度来理解自然的外在价值,从 目的 和整体论的角度论证了自然的内在价值,并因此增加了人类对自然的道德义务;

  • The theory of informed consent can be justified from two aspects of deontology and teleology .

    知情同意的道德基础可以从义务论和 目的 两个方面得到辩护。

  • She invokes Mayan teleology saying we are in a dark period before sunrise .

    楚援引玛雅 神学 目的 中的话说,我们正处在黎明前的黑夜。

  • Teleology Which Turned from Substance to Regulative as Principle of Thinking & the Development of Natural Teleology from Ancient Greece to Kant

    从实体转向调节性思维原则的目的 &自然目的论从古希腊到康德的发展

  • The theory of spiritual state is the teleology of moral cultivation explaining the meanings of life .

    境界 就是其道德修养的 目的 ,它说明了人生的意义。

  • Aristotle 's definition of life virtually implies inner design and is thus far in advance of the notion of design in modern Teleology which had in view finite and outward design only .

    亚里士多德对于生命的界说也已包含有内在 目的的观念,他因此远远超出了近代人所持的只是有限的外在的 目的那种 目的论了。

  • This paper presents an analysis of his theories in medical teleology medical ethics medical therapeutics medical prevention and medical communication thus displaying his overall medical thought .

    主要分析了他的医学 目的 、学道德观、学治疗观、学预防思想以及医学交流观,从而全面展示了他的医学思想。

  • Teleology has four features as subject subjectivity objectivity and creativity .

    哲学 目的 具有主体性、主观性、客观性和创造性四个特征。

  • Chinese teaching knowledge teleology demonstrates the inner logic of training change .

    语文教学知识 目的 现实体现了训练异变的内在逻辑。

  • This text thinks that teleology is the dominant mode of thinking of the western philosophies before modern times .

    本文认为,在近代以前, 目的 是西方哲学家理解世界和历史的主导性思维模式。

  • Finally the article says that Aristotle 's natural teleology is a mode of thinking .

    最后,指出亚里士多德的自然 目的 同时也是一种 特殊 目的论思维方式。

  • Objectivity contains the three forms of Mechanism Chemism and Teleology .

    客观性包含有机械性、化学性和 目的性三个形式。

  • Therefore teleology must be taken as the first principle of controlling the whole translation process .

    因此在 旅游 翻译中必须将 目的 作为控制整个翻译过程的首要准则。

  • In the course of the development of human society teleology and the theory of morality and justice are two different moral principles guiding people 's behavior alternately or one after another .

    在人类社会发展过程中, 目的 和道义论作为两种不同的道德理论先后或交替影响着人们的行为。

  • The second chapter discourses on Aristotle 's teleology from the following three aspects .

    在第二章中,本文主要从三个方面说明 亚里士多德 自然 目的 思想

  • Aristotle 's Ethics falls into practical philosophy for it concerns human conduct rather than cognition with teleology as its theoretical basis .

    亚里士多德的伦理学属于实践哲学,讨论的是人的行为而非认知。 目的 是这种伦理学的基础。

  • The third form of objectivity the relationship of teleology is the unity of mechanism and Chemism .

    客观性的第三形式, 目的的关系,这是机械性和化学性的统一。

  • It is the regularity and teleology that is the standard for testifying the rationality of practice .

    合规律性和 目的性是检验实践合理性的标准。

  • Law and Law Teleology & Teleology and Tool-oriented Theory in Modern Law

    作为工具的法律与作为 目的的法律&近现代法律的目的 与工具说

  • Teleology of criminal procedure is one of the basic criminal procedural theories .

    刑事诉讼 目的是刑事诉讼理论中的一个基本 范畴

  • The Significance of West Teleology Thought in Establishing Values

    西方 目的 思想在价值确立中的意义

  • In fact teleology is not deduce explanation and it is fit to explanatory indeterminate thing and process .

    实际上, 目的 解释不同于演绎解释,它适应于事物的非决定性过程。