tentative standard

[ˈtɛntətɪv ˈstændəd][ˈtentətiv ˈstændəd]


  • Conclusion The product had very good protected effect . According to tentative evaluated standard the grade of tested results was A .

    结论该产品有很好的保护效果,按 暂定评价 标准,为A级。

  • A Tentative Study of Teaching Practice for Musical Education Majors Adapted to the New Curriculum Standard

    高师音乐专业教育实习适应新课程 标准 初探

  • A Tentative Study on the State Geography Subject Standard

    国家地理课程 标准 初探

  • There are disadvantages in current evidence standard prosecution stated in the Criminal Procedure Law . To perfect it we need to construct a new tentative plan that is the unification of objective and subjective dynamic level standard system .

    我国现行《刑事诉讼法》中提起公诉证明标准存在缺限,完善提起 公诉证明标准需要构建主客观统一的动态层次性 标准体系。

  • The paper also gives out a tentative proposal on the standard of design flood frequency for the future Beijing Shanghai High Speed Railway .

    给出了京沪高速铁路设计洪水频率 标准 初步建议。

  • Tentative Research on Emission Standard of Arsenic and Lead from Tin Industry

    锡工业砷和铅排放 标准 初步研究

  • A tentative study on standard land price assessment in small towns

    小城镇 基准地价评估 初步研究

  • This paper introduces the content of CCSDS SLE service and then puts forward a tentative plan that uses international TT & C system based on CCSDS SLE information transfer standard . Finally the paper presents a scheme design using SLE forward telecommand service .

    介绍了CCSDSSLE业务的具体内容,提出了在我国航天测控系统中采用CCSDS 标准的SLE传输协议实现国际联网的 设想,并给出了前向遥控SLE业务的配置方案。

  • This paper makes a tentative inquiry into the choice of standard and method about the improved strains of Tung tree and knows the proportion each property accounts for .

    对油桐优树选择 标准、选择方法进行了 初探,得出各性状在选优中所占权重。

  • Tentative Ideas for Water - borne Wood Paint Standard

    对水性木器漆 标准 设想

  • The tentative idea for the current standard is to classify the vertical tank as a metering tank and a storage tank while the metering tank is classified as a trade metering tank and a non-trade tank .

    对于 规程的修订, 初步设想是将立式罐分为计量罐和储罐两大类,而计量罐又分为贸易计量罐和内部计量罐两种。

  • This paper makes a tentative study on this prescription from the perspectives of the preparation of drugs and the quality standards for research and establishes a reasonable production line and a controllable quality standard .

    通过对本方的制备工艺、质量标准的 试验研究,确立了合理的生产路线和可控的质量 标准,并进行了药效学的 初步 试验,为进一步扩大生产提供可行依据。

  • Chapter 3 puts forward reconstruction and the tentative idea about standard of proof in capital cases such as certainty and no doubt .

    第三章是提出了对死刑案件证明 标准进行 重构

  • Established the tentative quality standard of preparation .

    参照 药典初步制定了质量 标准考察了制剂的稳定性。

  • Combined with the current situation of wood paint standard both at home and abroad the article spoke of some tentative ideas for water - borne wood paint standard respectively according to the product classification and property requirement .

    结合国内外木器漆标准的现状,从产品分类及性能要求两方面,分别谈了对水性木器漆 标准 制定的几 设想。

  • According to a series of tentative surveys and statistics I define the standard volume of new words and its evolutionary process .

    初步调查统计的基础上,确定教材的 基准生词量和渐进方式,以平均生词量作为对 基准生词量的调整。