tensile force

[ˈtɛnsəl fɔrs][ˈtensəl fɔ:s]


  • The oan agged man drags a_ waggon of rag fragments . Tensile force test and analysis of freight tarpaulin cord in tunnels

    那个衣衫褴褛的?拉着一货车破布碎片.隧道内货车篷布绳索 拉力实车测试与分析

  • Compared to single piston cylinder it features fast action and flexibility specially used when large thrust force or tensile force is required within short time .

    介绍了双活塞液压缸的研制及应用,与单活塞液压缸相比,它具有动作快速、灵活等优点,特别适合在需要快速提供强大推力或 拉力的场合。

  • Connecting pipe the pipe should have enough deformation allowance avoid the pipe subjected to tensile force .

    连接管路时,应使管子有足够的变形余量,避免使管子受到 拉伸

  • Effect of the tensile force on the electronic energy gap of graphene sheets

    拉伸 作用对单层石墨片电子能隙的影响

  • Tensile force test and analysis of freight tarpaulin cord in tunnels

    隧道内货车篷布绳索 拉力实车测试与分析

  • When the depth of excavation is not too deep reinforced cemented soil retaining walls can be used where shaped steel is applied in the zone subjected to tensile force .

    对于一些开挖深度不大的基坑工程,可以采用在受 区加入型钢的加筋水泥土挡墙 护形式。

  • The pull-apart basin formed around the steps of the strike-slip fault refers to a low terrain area due to tensile force from the fault .

    拉分盆地指沿着走滑断裂带弯曲部位,由于 而产生的地形上的低洼 ,多形成于走滑断裂带次级断裂的间列部位。

  • Test Study of Initial Tensile Force and Load Holding Duration of Very Long Prestressing Strands

    超长预应力束初 张力及持荷时间试验研究

  • Histomorphology cellular biocompatibility and tensile force resistance property of fibrin-binding amniotic membrane in vitro

    胶联羊膜的组织形态、细胞相容性及抗 拉力特性研究

  • A tensile force is gestated by the contradiction between spiritual needs and the reality .

    心灵需求与外部现实之间的矛盾产生了复杂的 张力

  • Reasonable design for clamp to keep from screen sliding after high tensile force .

    夹头设计合理,高 张力后不滑网。

  • Experimental Study on the Tensile Force in the Geomembrane Due to Compaction Work and Temperature Variation

    填埋压缩和温度变化作用下土工膜 拉力的实验研究

  • Other factor which influence the axial tensile force of the pile is discussed and measured too .

    对影响桩身轴 的其他因素也进行了讨论和测试。

  • The tensile force at my right leg is excessive than usual .

    但是右脚踝关节肌健反射亢进,右腿肌肉 张力大。

  • The forces at the shoulder of geomembrane placed on the side slope as liner system in landfill are mainly temperature stress and tensile force due to waste compaction .

    为了评价垃圾填埋过程中土工膜端部产生的 拉力,特别是压实机位置对边坡部土工膜受力的影响,进行了模拟 试验 数值分析。

  • The effect of wind on the course of a projectile . Study of The influence of Current-receiving Quality Between Pantograph and OCS from Tensile Force Acting on Catenary Wire

    风力影响飞弹等发射物受到的风力影响承 张力对弓网受流质量影响研究

  • The machine input adopts gas barrier axis and output uses magnetism powder tensile force structure is same with slitting all kinds of paper .

    本机收放料采用气涨轴,放料采用磁粉 张力结构,适用于各类纸张的纵向分切。

  • And the main stress type of tie rods is axial tensile force .

    钢拉杆主要受力形式为轴向 拉力

  • Based on the reduced calculation to dynamic and static load the article analyzes the tensile force and additional dynamic load which the chain stands in the movement .

    基于实际中对动静张力的折合计算,分析了链条在运动过程中所 张力及附加动载荷。

  • The reminding value for the tensile force of the binding belt can be set up at will thereby being flexible and convenient to use .

    本实用新型捆绑带 提示值可以任意设定,使用灵活方便。

  • Using Emerson TD3300 special tensile force inverter and TD2000 general purpose inverter to upgrade aluminum foil production line is introduced .

    介绍了使用艾默生TD3300张力专用变频器和 TD2000通用变频器,为大连黄海铝加工厂铝箔生产线进行改造的方案。

  • The critical instability flowrate is proportional conversely to fluid pressure and axial compression force of pipe section but is proportional to the axial tensile force .

    并且失稳临界流速随流体压力和管截面轴向压力的增加而下降,随管截面轴向 拉力的增加而上升。

  • The composition and working principle of an underwater wire saw tensile force detecting system was introduced .

    介绍了水下绳锯机串珠绳 张力检测装置组成和工作原理。

  • Discussion on Tensile Force of Piles Caused by Subsoil Rebound in Soft Soil Area

    上海软土地区深基坑回弹引起桩 拉力的探讨

  • A new explanation of the rigid continuous girder method for determination of tensile force of rod of tied arch bridge crank-guide blue elephant

    确定系杆拱桥 吊杆 的刚性连续梁法算法曲柄连杆式无游梁抽油机

  • Theoretical Study of Electronic Property in Graphene under Regulation of Tensile Force
