


  • The measurements on the tensible strength of human peripheral nerves

    人的周围神经 拉伸强度测定

  • Structure type of laiwu mining area is the tensible oblique fault block .

    莱芜矿区属于 伸展 斜断块构造类型。

  • Cap and GSH are very alike in their quantitative effect curve when scavenging H2O2 . Results also indicate that Cap has the same anti-oxygen free radical effect as GSH . The tensible strength of vagus and spinal nerves is very alike .

    两者对H2O2的清除作用的量效 关系曲线十分相似。迷走神经与脊神经的 拉伸强度 几乎 完全 相同

  • The tensible strength of vagus and spinal nerves is very alike .

    迷走神经与脊神经的 拉伸强度 几乎 完全相同。