territorial security

[ˌtɛrɪˈtɔriəl sɪˈkjʊrɪti/sə'kjurətɪ][ˌterɪˈtɔ:ri:əl siˈkjuəriti]

[法] 领土安全

  • Defense education is to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity and security defense foreign aggression and subversive and threat of construction and struggle .

    国防教育是为捍卫国家主权、 领土的完整和 安全,防御外来侵略、颠覆和威胁的建设与斗争。

  • The repertory of territorial resources has important security function .

    该文论述 国土资源储备对国家 安全的重要 保障作用。

  • From an angle of national security the paper analyses and inquires into the influence and effect of state situation upon several aspects of national security such as territorial security the strategy of national security activities and forces of national security etc.

    本文从国家安全角度,分析、探讨了国家的地理位置对国家安全的几个层面,如 领土 安全,国家安全战略,战争、情报、间谍等国家安全活动,以及国家安全力量等方面的影响和作用。

  • From the angle of non-traditional security the territorial and border disputes between the Mideast countries are closely connected with resource security economic security and terrorism .

    从非传统安全视角看,中东 领土边界争端与资源 安全、经济安全,以及恐怖主义等因素休戚相关。

  • One of the most critical point is that as a regional great core power China and Japan has not yet reached the consensus on historical problems territorial disputes and security strategies .

    其中最为关键的,主要还是作为地区核心大国的中国与日本,尚未在历史、 领土纷争以及 安全战略等问题上达成共识,这已经成为当前制约东亚一体化建设继续走向深入的主要障碍。

  • Through the principle of territorial management and staff positions accountability the community grass-roots units into the comprehensive management of social security also has a new idea . Therefore this paper has a theoretical and practical significance .

    通过 属地管理原则和员工岗位责任制,把社区基层单位纳入社会 治安综合治理也具有一定的新意。因此,本文具有一定的理论和现实意义。

  • The final aim of the Security Strategy for Chinese coastal areas and territorial seas in modern times was security of the land .

    本土 安全是近代中国 海报安全战略的终极目标。

  • Ethnic problems have an all - round influence upon national security . In both a recessive and dominant way they influence a nation 's full territorial sovereignty a soceity 's political stability and the security of the system level and the concept level .

    民族问题对国家安全的影响是全方位的,它对国家 领土和主权的完整、社会政治稳定、体制层面的 安全和观念层面的 安全都存在着隐性和显性的影响。

  • Northeast Asia still has complex political issues such as territorial issues unity issues historical issues and security issues .

    东北亚地区至今仍存在着复杂的政治问题,例如, 领土问题、统一问题、历史问题和 安全问题。

  • It primarily includes : safeguarding state sovereignty unity territorial integrity and security ;

    它主要包括:维护国家主权、统一、 领土完整和 安全

  • They make territorial dispute hard to settle and lie at the root of regional opposition to Japan 's attempts to gain a permanent seat on the UN Security Council .

    他们之间的 领土争端也很难解决,并且还反对日本企图获得联合国常任 理事国。

  • Thus the government distinguishes ecological forests from the existent forests to meet the needs of territorial security and environmental improvement .

    为此,国家在现有森林中划出公益林以满足 国土 保安和改善生态环境的公益性需要。

  • American territorial security goes first and seeking for absolute security ;

    在本土 安全上,美国 本土 安全第一,寻求更加的绝对安全;