territorial rights


  • The EEZ is a special sea that differs from high seas and territorial sea the sovereign rights of the EEZ of a coastal state is a part of the economic sovereign rights of the state the convention 's stipulations respect state sovereignty .

    专属经济区是一个既不同于公海又有别于 领海的特殊海域,沿海国家对专属经济区的主权 权利是国家经济主权的组成部分,公约的规定是尊重国家主权的。

  • Over the coming years - perhaps even decades - lawyers expect the region 's territorial rights to be fought over in a rabbit warren of commission tribunal and arbitration hearings .

    法学家们预计,今后的几年甚至是几十年,在各个委员会、法庭和仲裁听证会上会发生为争夺该地区 领土 权利的唇枪舌剑。

  • In the1970s when territorial rights were being threatened by logging and migrant settlers the tribe sought to obtain a legal title and formal recognition of their land ownership .

    在1970年代,采矿业威胁部族 人民 土地 权益,他们提出诉求,希望自己的土地拥有权能获得法律上正式认可。

  • It covers the franchisee 's territorial rights location requirements training schedule fees and general obligations of the franchisee and the franchisor etc.

    主要包括受许人的 区域 权利、位置要求、培训进度表、费用、受许人和特许人的一般义务等信息。

  • The Sioux had always fought other tribes for territorial rights .

    苏人总是为 地权与其他部落作战。

  • On the issues concerning China 's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests some of its offshore neighbors take provocative actions and reinforce their military presence on China 's reefs and islands that they have illegally occupied .

    个别海上邻国在涉及中国 领土主权和海洋 权益问题上采取挑衅性举动,在非法占据的中方岛礁上加强军事存在。

  • We resolutely safeguarded China 's sovereignty territorial integrity and maritime rights and interests . China 's influence in the world further increased .

    坚定维护国家 领土主权和海洋 权益。我国的对外影响力进一步提升。

  • With respect to such issues as Diaoyu Island and South China Sea we have acted firmly to uphold our territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests while working hard to appropriately handle and resolve the disputes with the neighboring countries through dialogue and negotiation .

    在钓鱼岛、南海等问题上,坚定维护我国 领土主权与海洋 权益,推动周边国家通过对话谈判妥善处理和解决争端。

  • Involving the parallel import theory it mainly means to universality theory 、 territorial theory 、 exhaustion of rights theory 、 the right to import theory and pretermission theory . All these theories can 't solve the parallel import problem from legal principles angle .

    涉及平行进口的理论目前主要有普遍性理论、 地域性理论、 权利穷竭理论和默示许可理论,这些理论都不能从法理上解决平行进口问题。

  • On the issues concerning China 's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests some neighboring countries are taking actions that complicate or exacerbate the situation and Japan is making trouble over the issue of the Diaoyu Islands .

    个别邻国在涉及中国 领土主权和海洋 权益上采取使问题复杂化、扩大化的举动,日本在钓鱼岛问题上制造事端。

  • There is no denying that there are some disputes over territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in this region .

    毋庸讳言,本地区还存在着一些 领土主权、海洋 权益等争议。