ternary tree

[ˈtɚnəri tri][ˈtə:nəri tri:]


  • With respect to the optimization design of sewer network tree structured theory was used to depict the sewer network ternary tree form was proposed to treat the sewer network structure and pipe section was regarded as node in this study .

    对于污水管网的优化设计,采用了图论中树形结构的理论来描述污水管网,提出用 三叉 的形式来处理污水管网的网络结构,把管段当作 的节点作为研究对象;

  • The related analyses on computation storage and communication costs show that the ternary key tree is more applicable to group key management .

    对计算量、存储量和通信量进行分析和比较的结果表明 三叉 是较适合分布式群组密钥管理的 逻辑 结构

  • One is a secure ternary tree based authenticated group key agreement protocol in dynamic scenario .

    一个是动态安全的基于 三叉 的可认证群密钥协商协议。

  • In this paper Weil pairing based password authenticated N-party key exchange protocol is presented which combine Weil pairing with the ternary tree model .

    而本文中提出的使用Weil配对的基于口令认证的N方密钥交换协议,将Weil配对与 三叉逻辑密钥 相结合。

  • A heuristic approach to container loading of rectangular objects by using ternary tree structure to represent the packing space is proposed .

    针对集装箱布局提出了一种利用 三叉 结构表达三维矩形物体布局状态空间的方法。

  • During the design and implementation of the phonebook the ternary search tree ( TST ) is used to improve the operating efficiency of the phonebook .

    在电话本软件的设计与实现中,引入了 搜索 (TST)技术,提高了电话本的运行效率。

  • SO algorithm uses Bucket List and Singly Threaded Ternary Tree to manage and search the terrain polygon .

    SO算法利用桶表和单线索 三叉 进行地形多边形的管理及各种检索工作。

  • Mobile terminals ; MMI software ; Ternary search tree ; Message-driven mechanism ;

    移动终端;MMI软件; 搜索 ;消息驱动机制;

  • Object-oriented GIS Data Model Based on Ternary Tree

    基于 三叉 的面向对象的GIS数据模型

  • The map is applicable to arbitrary ternary function and can achieve an optimal or near optimal minimization for ternary tree ( T-Gate ) .

    它适用于任意T函数的 展开式,并能获得最佳或接近最佳的简化 结果