text note

[tɛkst not][tekst nəut]


  • A user wants to search for images with certain text in the image note .

    某用户希望对图片中某对象 属性进行 定义,以便搜索之用。

  • To replace existing text select the wire note and then type .

    要替换现有 文本,请选择电线 注释然后键入 文本

  • Enter some text in the provider control and note that it is displayed in the consumer due to the connection .

    在提供者控件中输入一些 文本,可以 看到,由于存在连接,这些 文本显示在使用者中。

  • This text was in arrears with and deriving the commercial credit trade question to the debt in enterprise 's commercial credit mainly is it perfect from law construction note development market analyze the problem and get the solution out of to focus on .

    本文主要针对企业商业信用中的债务拖欠以及衍生的商业信用交易问题,着重从法律建设、 票据发展、市场完善方面分析问题并提出解决方案。

  • The data of the main foundation questionnaire of this text talk to visit to note down and reflect the driving force that voters vote and investigate the behavior of different driving force of different strata with the visual angle of the stratum .

    本文主要根据问卷的数据和访谈 纪录来反映选民投票的驱动力,并以阶层的视角来考察不同阶层的不同驱动力的表现。

  • The text of the press release that is going out this morning follows this note .

    该新闻稿是今天上午发出去的连同 说明全文如下。

  • People who are furrowing their brows over weighty arithmetic puzzles or sweating over wordy text books might want to take note .

    对超难度算术题皱眉头或对冗长的 课本冒汗的人需要 笔记

  • From the text box at the bottom of the page copy and keep note of the part of the URL following the string ? url = in the src attribute of the script tag .

    从页面底部的 文本框中,复制并 粘贴脚本标记的src属性中的URL的? url=后面部分。

  • Also note that the first two types in the class clause are LongWritable and Text which are the byte count and line of text respectively .

    还要 注意,class子句的前两个类型是LongWritable和 Text,分别是字节数和文本行数。

  • When you want to delete a note you work with the note reference mark in the document window not the text in the note .

    要删除注释时,请删除文档窗口中的注释引用标记,而非 注释 文字

  • In addition to being able to edit the documentation of an element by using rich text you can now edit the actual content of the note or the comment using rich text .

    除了能够使用 富文本来编辑元素的参考资源,现在您还可以使用富文本来编辑 注释或者评论的实际内容。

  • The text is automatically inserted into a text box in the same Journal note . It replaces your original handwriting .

    文字会自动插入到当前日记本 便笺 文字框。它会替换您先前书写的文字。

  • But because of historical reasons the writings in addition to Guo YU Jie is still save the rest mostly but still stored at loss only parts of the lost text exist in the ancient note books etc of ancient books .

    但由于历史原因,其著述除《国语解》至今尚存,其余大多散佚流失,仅有部分 佚文存于古 、类书等古籍之中。

  • Marginal note : Reference notes set in a smaller point size than the text and put in the margin . The use of marginal note is equivalent to the head note in traditional Chinese vertical style of setting text for book works .

    栏外注:参考注解,用较 内文细小的字体排在书页白边上.栏外 相等于传统的中文直排本的眉批。

  • Type a text note .

    键入一个 文字 说明

  • To some extent also on the point of his post text fragmented note of your Mind course .

    多多少少也要写点关于他的 文字,零零碎碎 下自己的心路历程。

  • If you created the to-do item from text in a note or message the item is stored in that same account .

    如果您根据 备忘录或邮件的 文本创建待办事项,则这些事项会被储存在相同的帐户中。

  • To the financing note this text thinks that the financing note will go on the front stage of the note market in the period of future and it will have a great influence on the managing pattern managing mode and the methods of supervision .

    对于融资性票据, 本文认为在未来的一段时间,融资性 票据必将走上票据市场的前台,并将对中国票据市场的经营格局、经营模式和监管方式产生重大影响。

  • This text in order to explore the class II oil reservoir note gathers the law realize gathering the output of driving and taking over and offering practice basis .

    本文,为探索二类油层 聚规律,实现聚驱产量接替提供了实践依据。

  • Make a text note to any alarm ;

    为任意提醒设置一个 文本 提示

  • From the status of the information gap this paper introduces the concept of universal service and significance . And from the actual situation of information resources the text proposes measures of universal information service and some questions should be taken note of .

    从信息鸿沟的现状谈起,介绍了普遍服务的概念及意义,并从信息资源的实际情况出发, 提出实行信息资源普遍服务的举措以及应该 注意的问题。

  • Small text box used to create a note or sidebar . Drag a selection handle to resize .

    文本框用于创建 注释或边栏。拖动选择手柄可调整大小。

  • NOTE : Try to use the convention of MONITOR NAME : message text The method adds the date and time .

    注意:尝试使用“MONITORNAME:message text”规则。此方法添加日期和时间。

  • Text you enter in the comments box appears as a note on the project summary task and notes added to the project summary task will appear in the comments box .

    在“批注”框中输入的 文本将作为项目摘要任务的 备注显示,而添加到项目摘要任务的备注将显示在“批注”框中。

  • Besides adding text you can add tags and hyperlinks to the note .

    文本外,还可以在 便签中添加标记和超链接。