


  • I am not thankless I hope but that dreadful woman seems to throw a shadow on me and on all my hopes .

    我希望,我并非 感谢 上帝 但那可怕的女人似乎给我和我所有的希望 上了阴影。

  • Raise your hand for the thankless job nobody else wants to do .

    即使 那种没人愿意干的 吃力 讨好 活儿也要 主动 担当

  • Does the president 's speech presage a newly energetic sally by the administration into this thankless daunting battlefield ?

    奥巴马的讲话是否预示着美国政府将在这 冷酷、棘手的战场上重新发起冲锋?

  • But as Christmas draws near he has confessed on a fans ' website that he is finding it all a pretty thankless task .

    但圣诞其间,他在一个球迷网站上公开承认,自己觉得这项工作完全是费力 讨好

  • You have not been worn down yet by long hours of thankless work by the slings and arrows of everyday life .

    你还没有被日复一日的 无聊工作还有生活的局限以及每天不经意的刺激磨蚀残缺。

  • There are excellent reasons for not giving Athens any immediate relief from its thankless task however .

    不过,有充足的理由不把希腊从 徒劳无功 改革努力中立即解救 出来

  • Deciphering the Chinese economy is a thankless job at the best of times .

    即使在最景气的时期,解读中国经济也是一件 费力 讨好 事情

  • Suing the ultimate Chinese culprit is a thankless task .

    起诉最终的中国责任人是件 费力 讨好的差事。

  • Solving this dilemma can be a tough and thankless job ; but it 's also one of the most important .

    解决这个矛盾是个费力 讨好的苦差事;但它非常重要。

  • I said it last year - and I 'll say it again . There is only one activity more thankless than predicting the future - and that is publicly sharing your predictions .

    我去年就说过今年要再强调的一点是:唯一比预测未来更 招人 待见的事情就是公开自己的预言。

  • This is often a very thankless job Legge says .

    莱格博士说饭馆服务员是个费力 讨好的工作。

  • Soccer referees have a thankless task .

    足球裁判的工作 吃力 讨好

  • What I believed would be a spectacular work experience swiftly revealed itself to be a series of thankless performances in such splashy venues as cafeterias and dormitory lobbies .

    我原来以为这是一次了不起的经历,可很快却发现在那些餐厅和寝室大厅这些场地进行表演后没有得到一点 感激

  • The role of the peacemaker is by its very nature a thankless one .

    饲停人的角色,就其根本的本质来说,是 吃力 讨好的角色。

  • Effort to curry favor with the matter why become a thankless thing ?

    能省力讨好的事,为什么非要变成 费力 讨好的事呢?

  • The Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga other private facilities and state and federal wildlife agencies have efforts under way as well . It 's mostly thankless work .

    查塔努加市的田纳西州水族馆、一些私人机构以及州级和国家级的野生动物机构也在尽力,大家做这些工作大都 求回报。

  • Is Whitman setting herself up for failure simply because turning HP around may be a thankless task ?

    惠特曼是 不是 注定会失败,因为扭转惠普的颓势不过是项 费力 讨好的工作?

  • No matter how hard you work this job is always thankless .

    这个工作怎么干也 不了 好儿

  • It was a thankless job so we choked him off before long .

    那是一 吃力 讨好的事情,所以我们很快就不让他做了。

  • A new study says that having a demanding unstable and thankless job may make you even unhappier than not having a job at all .

    一项新研究称,拥有一份琐碎麻烦、不稳定且 被认同的差劲工作,甚至比没有工作更让人窝心。

  • Ungrateful heirs ; how sharper than a serpent 's tooth it is to have a thankless child ! - shakespeare .

    不领情的继承人;比大毒蛇的牙齿更尖利多少呀生个 忘恩负义的孩子!莎士比亚。

  • Being a middle manager is the most thankless job ever invented .

    担任中层经理是人类有史以来发明的最 吃力 讨好的工作。

  • Skin has the thankless job of coating and protecting your whole body making it your most easily damaged organ .

    皮肤 辛苦的担任着包裹 我们和保护我们整个身体的责任,因此它也成为了最容易被伤害的器官。

  • Say thanks to those who do thankless tasks .

    对那些做 值得 称道的事的 说谢谢。

  • Roosevelt was reluctant to undertake the thankless task .

    罗斯福不大愿意承担这种 徒劳无益的任务。

  • Don 't tell him Joe that I was thankless ;

    乔,你千万不要告诉他说我是 忘恩

  • Thankless job collecting garbage is a thankless job but someone 's got to do it .


  • She might feel how sharper than a serpent 's tooth it was to have a thankless child .

    让她也知道知道有个 负心的孩子要比挨毒蛇的牙齿 还要 痛苦

  • Giving advice is usually a thankless act .

    进忠告通常是一种 令人 感激的行为。