


  • XIANGZI had run two dozen steps when he stopped short unwilling to leave thane camels behind him .

    祥子已经跑出二三十步去, 不肯跑了,他舍 不得 骆驼。

  • A new spray method of appropriately increasing Di - thane M-45 concentration and decreasing spray frequency could effectively control tomato early blight disease and decreased the dose of pesticide sprayed on tomato by about 10 % .

    番茄采用适当提高 代森锰锌用药浓度,减少用药次数的新施药技术防治早疫病,可减少化学农药量10%左右。

  • During the feast a thane named Unferth tries to get into a boasting match with Beowulf by accusing him of losing a swimming contest .

    庆典过程中,一 名叫恩费尔特的领主为了和贝奥武夫比赛投巨石,就讥讽他曾经输掉的游泳比赛。

  • No one really knows Thane 's background but he has been teaching Alchemy in Bracada for so long that not even the elders remember a time without him .

    没有人知道 塞恩的真正来历,只知道他研究炼金术已经很长时间了。

  • The relative standard deviation of the method wus better thane ± 5 % .

    方法的相对标偏 ±5%。

  • There lived a great thane or lord called Macbeth .

    有一个 显赫 爵士,或称贵族,名叫麦克白。