


  • International Federation for World Snooker and Billiard Championships The earth is a terraqueous globe .

    世界撞球和台球锦标赛国际联合会地球是 陆地 合成的球体。

  • The design way of a simulation model for the engineering work environment federate used in the terraqueous division landing island battle federation is introduced in this paper .

    本文介绍了 两栖师登岛作战工程 保障仿真联邦工程 作业环境成员仿真模型的设计方法。

  • It would look like a perfect ball . The earth is a terraqueous globe .

    你会发现地球是成 正圆的球体,地球是 陆地 合成的球体。

  • Our company are located at the Zhejiang of picturesque scenery to visit lukewarm city town terraqueous communication is easy .

    本公司坐落于山清水秀的浙江省温州市, 水陆 交通 便利