


  • Superconvergence of Tetrahedral Finite Elements for the Variable Coefficient Elliptic Equation

    变系数椭圆方程 四面体有限元的超收敛

  • It will be noted that between the two layers there exist interstices of two types : tetrahedral and octahedral .

    要注意两层之间有两种类型的空隙: 四面 体型和八面体型。

  • We introduced flip transformation a method to recover the lost constrained edges in the tetrahedral mesh .

    本文介绍了约束 四面体网格生成中的一种恢复约束边的方法&flip变换法。

  • A tetrahedral mesh smoothing algorithm based on non-smooth problem optimization is presented .

    提出一种基于不可微问题优化的 四面体网格光顺算法。

  • Chaos mixed optimization method of tetrahedral mesh

    一种 四面体网格的混沌混合优化方法

  • Each discrete tetrahedral element gets four nodes and six edges .

    离散得到的 四面体单元有四个节点和六个棱边。

  • Three Dimensional Non-Linear Magnetostatic Field Calculation by the Finite Tetrahedral Element Method

    用有限 四面体单元计算三维非线性恒定磁场

  • The two banana bonds start out from each carbon at roughly the tetrahedral angle .

    这两个香蕉键是从每个碳原子以接近 四面体角发出的。

  • The Delaunay method which is explored to generate three dimensional unstructured tetrahedral grids is presented .

    以Delaunay方法为基础生成了三维复杂外形的 四面体非结构网格。

  • Boy Scouts entirely built the tower with pasta and the drug Kwai a precise copy of Buckminster Fuller 's tetrahedral . A dodge ball will be able to destroy it immediately .

    童子军完全用意大利面与药属葵打造了这个巴克明斯特·富勒所创作的 四面体复制品,用一个躲避球马上就能摧毁它。

  • Method for optimizing tetrahedral mesh of object with complex interpolation surfaces

    含复杂插值曲面实体 四面体网格优化方法

  • As a model spline interpolation on a uniform tetrahedral partition was used and the spline coefficients were repeated by the gridded samples .

    该模型以样条基函数为背景,系数则由周围 采样点数据重复迭代产生。

  • Variational tetrahedral meshing focuses on using high-ruled tetrahedral mesh to create mesh and can display well .

    变分 四面体网格划分重点是利用高度规则的四面体来创建网格,此方法可得到优秀的显示结果。

  • Research & Implementation of Multi-Tissue Tetrahedral Model Generation Technology from Medical Images

    基于医学图像的多组织 四面体模型生成技术的研究与实现

  • In this paper we introduce a novel approach to as-rigid-as-possible mesh deformation based on tetrahedral cells .

    提出一种基于 四面体胞的尽可能刚性三角形网格变形算法。

  • Bond pair analysis indicates that in both liquid and amorphous Ni-Al alloys the tetrahedral local order is dominant .

    键对分析表明,在液态和非晶态Ni-Al合金中 四面体 微观局域结构占主导地位。

  • The optimized results show that the boron atom has a typical tetrahedral geometry with the adjacent atoms .

    几何构型优化结果表明,所研究的 配合 均是 螯合 化合物中心硼原子与临近原子构成了典型的 四面体结构。

  • Design and Characteristics Test for Micro Tetrahedral Loudspeaker

    微型 四面体扬声器研制及性能测试

  • In this compound the tin atom has distorted tetrahedral configuration .

    锡原子呈畸变 四面体构型。

  • Common examples include solid linear brick and solid parabolic tetrahedral elements .

    常见的例子包括固体线性抛砖和固体 四面体组成部分。

  • In addition the complexes with tetrahedral structure would accelerate the hydrolysis of PNPP .

    配合物的空间构型对反应速率有较大影响,具有 四面体结构的配合物更有利于PNPP的水解。

  • FEA on Surface Shot Peening to Strengthen Railway Vehicle Bodywork ; tetrahedral element characteristic

    车体钢结构表面喷丸强化有限元分析 四面体单元体的特征

  • A satisfactory theory must be able to explain why in methane the HCH angles all have the characteristic tetrahedral value .

    一个完满的理论必须能够解释甲烷中为什么所有HCH角都具有 四面体的特性值。

  • An algorithm for refining the tetrahedral mesh in its any local part is presented . Data structure has been designed for this algorithm and the procedure has also been implemented .

    介绍了一种 四面体 单元网格的局部加密算法,设计了相应的数据结构,并进行了程序实现。

  • Tetrahedral hybrid orbital Stray Current of UMT and Rail Insulation Test

    城市轨道交通 杂散电流及轨道对地绝缘测试

  • Firstly two acceleration algorithms for tetrahedral interpolation are introduced .

    首先提出了两种基于 四面体插值校正的加速算法。

  • Deployable Tetrahedral Truss Antenna Initial Structural Design Based on Interpretative Structural Model Analysis

    基于结构解析模型法可展 桁架天线结构初步设计

  • Quality-Preserving Deformation of Tetrahedral Meshes in Virtual Knee Arthroscopic Surgery

    虚拟膝关节镜手术中保持 单元质量的 网格形变方法

  • Tetrahedral meshes of the structure are formed by automatic subdivision and corresponding coupling equations are derived .

    采用 四面体 单元形成结构的有限元网格以 便于网格的自动剖分,导出了与之配套的混合法计算格式。