territorial integrity

[ˌtɛrɪˈtɔriəl ɪnˈtɛɡrɪti][ˌterɪˈtɔ:ri:əl inˈteɡriti]

[法] 领土的完整

  • Mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity .

    对主权和 领土 完整互相尊重的基础上。

  • Third we should respect each other 's sovereignty territorial integrity and development interests and properly address each other 's major concerns .

    第三,我们应该尊重彼此的主权、 领土 完整和发展利益,正确处理彼此的重大关切。

  • First Mutual respect of sovereignty and territorial integrity mutual non-aggression and mutual non-interference in internal affairs .

    第一,互相尊重主权和 领土 完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政。

  • By sticking to principle and resisting pressure we have safeguarded our state sovereignty territorial integrity and national dignity thus gradually raising our standing in the international community .

    我们坚持原则,顶住压力,维护了国家主权, 领土 完整和民族尊严。我国的国际地位日益提高。

  • It primarily includes : safeguarding state sovereignty unity territorial integrity and security ;

    它主要包括:维护国家主权、统一、 领土 完整和安全;

  • Our state sovereignty and territorial integrity should by no means be impinged on .

    我们的国家主权和 领土 完整绝不容许侵犯。

  • We insist that Georgia 's sovereignty and territorial integrity be respected .

    我们坚持认为格鲁吉亚的主权和 领土 完整应该得到尊重。

  • Safeguard national sovereignty territorial integrity and national dignity

    捍卫国家主权、 领土 完整和民族尊严

  • Beijing sees firm control of Xinjiang as key to its ability to preserve territorial integrity and one-party rule .

    在北京方面看来,牢牢控制住新疆,是其保持中国 领土 完整和一党制的关键。

  • Defense education is to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity and security defense foreign aggression and subversive and threat of construction and struggle .

    国防教育是为捍卫国家主权、 领土 完整和安全,防御外来侵略、颠覆和威胁的建设与斗争。

  • The Anti-Secession Law was enacted to resolutely safeguard China 's sovereignty and territorial integrity .

    制定反分裂国家法,坚决维护国家主权和 领土 完整

  • The whole nation speak as one man on this issue concerning national sovereignty and territorial integrity .

    在这个事关国家主权和 领土 完整的问题上,全体国民意见 一致

  • He has proposed a plan which calls for the return of Russian and Georgian troops to their former positions and requires Georgia 's sovereignty and territorial integrity to be respected .

    他提出了一项建议,呼吁俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚军队返回他们原来的阵地,并要求尊重格鲁吉亚的主权和 领土 完整

  • The Chinese nation has the strong resolve to uphold state sovereignty and territorial integrity .

    中华民族在维护国家主权和 领土 完整问题上有着坚定的决心。

  • We must safeguard our state territorial integrity .

    我们必须捍卫我们 领土 完整

  • On Thursday he ordered sanctions against individuals found to have violated Ukraine 's territorial integrity .

    周四,他下令制裁侵犯了乌克兰 领土 完整的个人。

  • The country is fighting to preserve its territorial integrity .

    该国在为保持 领土 完整而进行斗争。

  • We resolutely safeguarded China 's sovereignty territorial integrity and maritime rights and interests . China 's influence in the world further increased .

    坚定维护国家 领土 主权和海洋权益。我国的对外影响力进一步提升。

  • Safeguarding national sovereignty security and territorial integrity and supporting the country 's peaceful development .

    维护国家主权、安全、 领土 完整,保障国家和平发展。

  • Its aim is to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states .

    它的目的是要尊重各国的主权和 领土 完整

  • The Bangladesh side also reiterated its support for China 's efforts in upholding sovereignty unity and territorial integrity .

    孟方重申支持中方为维护国家主权、统一和 领土 完整所作的努力。