


  • The music is generally terrific but the scripting and acting are a bit ho-hum .

    音乐总体来说 很棒,但编剧和表演就有点平淡无奇。

  • He is a terrific athlete and a brilliant jumper

    他是个 出色的运动员,弹跳力 非常

  • Thai food is terrific .


  • He had a terrific sense of humour and could be very amusing


  • She 's a terrific sparky girl

    她是个 非常 不错的女孩,活泼而开朗。

  • There was a terrific crush of carriages and the traffic was almost stopped .

    当时车辆 极度拥挤,交通几乎完全堵塞。

  • This song is terrific ! I am under its spell !

    这首歌太 !我被它迷住了。

  • We had a terrific start to the season but recently we 've been inconsistent

    赛季之初我们有 非常 的开局,但最近却时 时坏。

  • I made a terrific effort to refrain from tears .


  • Then the hair began to grow again and I felt terrific .


  • Everybody there was having a terrific time

    在场的每个人都玩 开心

  • I really go for this house . It 's terrific .


  • There is a great sense of occasion and a terrific standard of musicianship .

    有一种非常盛大隆重的感觉,音乐演奏的水准也 极高

  • You are a terrific teacher I learn so much .

    你是 很棒的老师,我学了很多。

  • You look terrific Ann . You really do .

    安,你看起来 迷人 。真的。

  • They 've got some terrific penalty-takers .

    他们有几个技术一流的 罚球手。

  • In that 2.7-litre form it really was a terrific racing car .

    其2.7升的车型确实是非常 的赛车。

  • Outwardly this looked like the beginning of a terrific programme but the stage was actually set for a major disaster .

    表面上,这似乎是开启了一个 的项目,但实际上却是为一场大的灾难埋下了伏笔。

  • What a terrific idea !

    多么 的主意!

  • All of a sudden there was a terrific bang and a flash of smoke .

    突然传来 惊天动地一声响,还冒出一股烟。

  • This local guy has been too terrific to me .


  • What a terrific row !

  • He did a terrific amount of fundraising

    他做 大量的筹款工作。

  • The performance tonight was terrific .

    今晚这 法儿 那么

  • Terrific . I feel pretty good this morning .


  • Lao Wang you are really terrific !


  • I am completely energized and feeling terrific .

    我充满了活力,感觉 非常

  • If we ever get married we 'll have one terrific wedding

    如果我们哪一天结婚的话,一定会有一个 的婚礼。

  • This is really a terrific match .

    这场比赛真带 劲儿