

[化] 萜烯基

  • The chemical structures of six terpenyl gallates obtained were all identified .

    合成得到的6种 没食子酸 醇酯均经过结构鉴定。

  • A new simple and efficient synthetic method for methyl terpenyl sulfides via radical addition re-action is reported .

    自由基加成反应应用 化学 醚的选择性合成 提供了一条新的、简便的、有效的途径。

  • The regression equations of stability were deduced . The stabilization mechanism of biodiesel acted by terpenyl gallates was discussed at last .

    推导了稳定性回归方程,探讨了 没食子酸 醇酯对生物柴油稳定化作用机理。

  • Synthesis of sodium terpenyl 2-ethylhexyl succinate diester sulfonate and its structure characteristics

    萜烯 2-乙基己基琥珀酸酯磺酸钠的合成和结构表征

  • There were slight differences between six terpenyl gallates on high temperature stability of biodiesel . Geranyl gallate and farnesyl gallate were slightly better .

    6 没食子酸 醇酯对生物柴油高温稳定性 作用相差 不大其中没食子酸香叶酯和没食子酸金合欢酯的高温稳定化效果略好。

  • In the presence of catalyst phosphoric acid isomeric addition of bipentene with cis-butenedioic anhydride can form terpenyl bu tenedioic anhydride compound as expoxylite firming agent .

    用磷酸做催化剂,催化工业双戊烯与顺 丁烯二酸酐进行异构加成反应。

  • This study could provide a primary foundation for searching relationship of molecular structure of stabilizers with their properties and selecting highly effective stabilizers for biodiesel . A new synthetic route of terpenyl gallates was advanced .

    本研究为探求稳定剂分子结构与性能关系及筛选生物柴油高效 稳定剂提供前期基础。

  • Study on Synthesis and Properties of Terpenyl Gallates as Biodiesel Stabilizers

    生物柴油稳定剂 没食子酸 醇酯的合成及性能研究

  • Study on Synthesis and Structure Identification of Terpenyl Gallates

    没食子酸 醇酯的合成与结构鉴定研究

  • The effect of terpenyl gallates on high temperature stability was studied by evaluation of acid value of biodiesel .

    以生物柴油的酸值为评价指标,研究了 没食子酸 醇酯等稳定剂对生物柴油高温稳定性的影响。