territorial industry

[ˌtɛrɪˈtɔriəl ˈɪndəstri][ˌterɪˈtɔ:ri:əl ˈindəstri]

[经] 地方工业

  • The Analysis of the Effect between Territorial Industry Construction and Pollution

    区域 工业结构与污染效应分析&以 成都大邑 为例

  • Thirdly developing the territorial strategies of sports fitness industry and exploiting the new domain with northwestern minority character .

    发展 区域性体育健身 产业战略,开拓具有西北民族特色的产业领域。

  • The well-known trademark usually is refers to the place municipal territorial scope has certain prestige and the popularity trademark has the municipal bureau of industry and commerce to recognize .

    知名商标通常是指在地市级 地域范围内享有一定声誉和知名度的商标,有地市级 工商局予以认定。

  • This paper analyzes the function of service industry in making Yinchuan a territorial center city and suggests that city planers rely on the service industry to make Yinchuan a territorial center city with special features in northwest .

    分析了第三产业对将银川市建设成独具特色的 区域性中心城市的作用,并提出依托第三 产业,将银川市建设成西北独具特色的区域性中心城市的设想。

  • Demonstration Analysis of the Competition of Territorial Industry of Chongqing

    重庆市 区域 工业竞争力实证研究

  • Today increasingly aggravated pollution along the coast brought about the sharp drop of the coastal fisheries resources coupled with the incompletely resolved problem of the territorial sea of China and neighboring countries making the situation of the traditional fishing industry even worse .

    当前,由于近海沿岸的污染日趋加重,导致沿海渔业资源锐减,再加上我国与周边国家 领海问题尚未彻底解决,使得传统捕捞 的处境更是雪上加霜。

  • The implementation of territorial management and the entire industry .

    实施 属地化和全 行业管理。

  • These industrial bases are in urgent need of transition and development of determining their territorial advantageous industry and major-leading industry to insure the economic growth and people 's wealth of our province making our national economy development in harmony .

    这些工业基地急待转型,急需重新确立其 区域优势 产业和主导产业,以保证我省经济的增长和人民的安居乐业,使我省国民经济协调和可持续发展。