


  • Progress in study of quantitative detection of tetrodotoxin

    河豚 毒素定量检测的研究进展

  • Methods The emergency rescue measures and outcomes of33 cases tetrodotoxin intoxication were reviewed .

    方法总结分析33例诊断明确的 河豚 中毒患者采取不同抢救方法与效果。

  • The concentrations of tetrodotoxin in 17 livers and 20 muscles of puffer fishes were detected by mouse bioassay and indirect competitive inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) respectively .

    应用小鼠生物试验和间接竞争抑制酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)同步检测17份河豚鱼肝组织和20份河豚鱼肌肉组织中的 河豚 毒素含量.并对2种方法进行比较。

  • The Puffer fish has Tetrodotoxin .

    河豚鱼有 河豚 毒素

  • Objective : Summarize the rescue experience of a collective tetrodotoxin food poisoning .

    目的:总结一起集体 河豚 毒素食物中毒抢救经验。

  • Microbial Synthesis Transformation and Degradation of Tetrodotoxin

    TTX的微生物合成及微生物转化和降解的 可能性

  • Toxicity of tetrodotoxin towards mice and rabbits

    河豚 毒素对小鼠和家兔的毒性研究

  • Intoxication mechanism of tetrodotoxin and Its clinical treatment

    河豚 毒素中毒机理与临床救治 探讨

  • The intoxication mechanism of tetrodotoxin ( TTX ) and its effective treatment methods were introduced in this article .

    探讨 河豚 毒素(TTX)的中毒机理及临床TTX中毒的有效救治措施。

  • Effects of cardioplegia with tetrodotoxin on intracellular sodium overload of ischemia / reperfusion cardiomyocytes

    河豚 毒素停搏液对缺血/再灌注心肌细胞钠超载的影响

  • Influence of tetrodotoxin on sodium channel and the possible mechanism of the analgesic effect

    河豚 毒素对钠通道的影响及其可能的镇痛机制

  • Objective To evaluate the electrophysiological changes in patients with acute tetrodotoxin ( TTX ) poisoning .

    目的分析急性河豚毒素( tetrodotoxinTTX)中毒患者的神经电生理变化的 特点 意义

  • Tetrodotoxin can be found in the liver ovaries and skin and accidental death is the common result of ineffectual removal .

    河豚的肝、卵巢和皮肤都含有河豚 毒素,如果去除得 不够 干净会导致意外死亡。

  • Study on Processing of Tetrodotoxin Mechanism of Poisoning and Preparation

    河豚 毒素中毒机制和 防治的研究进展

  • Rapid Determination of Tetrodotoxin in Human Urine and Plasma Using Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry

    亲水液相色谱三重四极杆质谱联用法快速检测尿液和血浆中 河豚 毒素

  • Objective To investigate the protective effects of polarizing cardioplegia with Na + channel inhibitor tetrodotoxin ( TTX ) in ex vivo rat heart preservation .

    目的研究含Na+通道阻滞剂 河豚 毒素(TTX)极化停搏液在离体大鼠心脏保存中的心肌保护作用。

  • On the other hand the possibility dehydration tetrodotoxin was tested and characterized based on the roast fish dried sliced processing in the experiment .

    另一方面,基于本研究中对鱼片干进行烘烤的处理方法,对脱水 河豚 毒素进行了检测和表征。

  • Effects of Tetrodotoxin Cardioplegia on Cardiomyocyte Apoptosis and Related Protein Expression in Rat Hearts

    河豚 毒素缺血 灌注大鼠心肌细胞凋亡及相关蛋白表达的影响

  • The analgesia effect of tetrodotoxin ( TTX ) in mice treated with chemical and thermal stimuli was studied .

    为探讨 河豚 毒素(TTX)镇痛作用与剂量的效应关系,应用化学刺激和热刺激法研究了TTX对小鼠的镇痛作用。

  • Objective : To study the analgesic effects and mechanisms of microdose of tetrodotoxin ( TTX ) combined with morphine .

    目的:研究微量河豚毒素( tetrodotoxinTTX)与吗啡联合给药的协同镇痛效应并探讨其作用机制。

  • Development of a Direct Competitive ELISA Method for Tetrodotoxin Detection

    河豚 毒素直接竞争ELISA检测方法的研究

  • The effects of tetrodotoxin ( TTX ) monoclonal antibody ( McAb ) 8A_5 on TTX blockade of sodium channel were studied with the use of neuropharmacological and electrophysiological techniques .

    应用神经药理和电生理技术探讨了河豚毒素( TetrodotoxinTTX)单克隆抗体8A_5对河豚毒素阻滞钠通道作用的影响。

  • Determination of tetrodotoxin in globefish by gas chromatographymass spectrometry

    河豚鱼中 河豚 毒素的气相色谱质谱法测定

  • Study on quantitative determination of tetrodotoxin by high performance liquid chromatography-fluorescent detection

    河豚 毒素的高效液相/荧光精确定量技术研究

  • A method for the determination and analysis of tetrodotoxin ( TTX ) in nassarius using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry ( LC-MS ) has been developed .

    建立了液相色谱-质谱法测定织纹螺中 河豚 毒素的分析方法。

  • Effects of intracerebroventricular tetrodotoxin and veratridine on the MAC of isoflurane in rats

    侧脑室注射 河豚 毒素和藜芦定对大鼠异氟醚MAC的影响

  • Sodium channel in AT-1 cells is highly sensitive to blocker tetrodotoxin .

    钠通道对阻滞剂 河豚 高度敏感。

  • Study on Application of Membrane Separation Technology in Purification and Concentration of Tetrodotoxin

    膜分离技术在 河豚 毒素纯化及浓缩中的应用研究

  • Tetrodotoxin is one of the strong marine neural toxins which block sodium channels .

    河豚 毒素是钠离子通道阻断剂,是一种强海洋神经毒剂。