text hand

[tɛkst hænd][tekst hænd]


  • Such a large corpus with its text pictures videos and sounds would allow clever extraterrestrials to decipher much about our society and even formulate questions that could be answered with the material in hand .

    文本、图片、视频和音频汇编的大型数据库可以让聪明的外星人破解更多有关人类社会的信息,甚至思考出一些用 手头资料能够解答的问题。

  • Though some teen drivers said they only text at a red light or will hand the phone over to a passenger to text others didn 't seem to care about the risk .

    尽管有一部分年轻人称他们只有在等红灯的时候才会 短信,或者会 手机交给乘客来处理短信操作,不过另外一些人则对此毫不在意。

  • Generally the text effects in two ways in audio segmentation . On the one hand it can provide sentence-level text corresponded to sentence-level audio . On the other hand it can be used to proofread the audio segmentation result .

    每个音频都有对应的文本,大致来说,文本在音频切分中的作用有两方面,一 方面为句子级音频提供句子级 文本对照,另 方面可以考虑利用 文本 信息校正音频切分结果。

  • This text proceeds with firsthand materials and second hand materials analysis the develop route of Confucianism Taoism Buddhism and traditional medical science summarize their meaning and influence to Chinese 's traditional psychology constructing .

    本文采用文献研究法,分析儒、道、 和传统医学的思想内涵和发展脉络,总结它们对中国人传统心理建构的意义和影响。

  • For typed text attributes used the knowledge base built by hand . ( 4 ) Analyze the pages of the Deep Web website update features by the Poisson model to model web pages update events incremental crawling the Deep Web data .

    对于特定的 文本属性,使用 人工建立知识库的方法。(4)分析了deepweb数据源中网页的更新特点,通过泊松模型对网页更新事件建立模型,增量获取deepweb数据。

  • On this account this thesis attempts to study translation from perspective of text analysis by comparing the cohesive devices on the one hand and bringing forward their respective translating strategies on the other .

    受此启发,本文拟从 篇章分析的角度对英汉的衔接 手段进行系统的对比分析,并从大量例证出发归纳出比较系统全面的翻译策略。

  • Coherence in translated text on the one hand is subject to the coherence mode of the source text on the other hand does not equal that of the source text .

    译文 的连贯性一方面受原语篇连贯方式的影响,另一 方面又不完全等于源语篇连贯的实现手段。

  • The second camp uses a text editor like Emacs or Vim to code HTML by hand and an FTP client to upload the finished page to a web server for the world to see and hopefully appreciate .

    第二阵营使用诸如Emacs或Vim的 文本编辑器来 手工编码HTML,然后通过一个FTP客户端将完成的网页上传到一台Web服务器让世界看见并欣赏它,希望如此。

  • This text the new hand method of the usage three aspect first steps investigated liuqin opera chamber music from the source head of liuqin opera music characteristics and modern creations of chamber .

    本文从柳琴戏的源头、唱腔的音乐特点以及现代创作中使用的新 手法三个方面初步探索了柳琴戏的唱腔音乐。

  • This text hope passes to the historical research in development of the western oil painting skill method material of inside combinative own fulfillment can to this on the other hand of the research has complement with push forward .

    本文希望通过对中西方油画技法材料的发展历史的研究,结合自己的实践能够对这 方面的研究有所补充和推进。

  • Results : We reviewed the full text of 24 articles from 429 studies identified from our initial literature search and hand search . A total of eleven randomized controlled trials met criteria for inclusion in the present meta-analysis .

    结果:通过电子检索和 手工检索获得429 文献,严格的纳入标准和排除标准的筛选,最终有11个随机对照临床试验符合选择标准纳入我们的荟萃分析。

  • This text then the aim is to hand down this thinking to wish to make use of the industry value chain do a beneficial try to the strategic choice of the Chinese appliance industry marketing .

    本文则旨是 沿袭这一思路,以期能运用行业价值链这一分析工具,对中国家电行业营销战略的选择做出有益探索。

  • They had to remember to finish the bored assignments to memorize the knowledge in text books which seemed to be out-of-date as well as to hand in papers on the subjects they disliked .

    他们要记得住完成乏味的作业,要记住那些似乎总是显得过时的 课本上的知识,必须要 他们并不喜欢的学科的论文。

  • A dominant sounding text message on the other hand generates anger rather than acceptance .

    然而如果一条 短信的语气显得居高临下的话,对方 很难接受,甚至会激起怒火。

  • On the one hand it is increasingly hard for the information based only on text to satisfy the searching requirement of users . On the other hand it is impossible to deal with so many musical works in time only by handwork .

    一方面,仅仅基于 文本的信息已经越来越难于满足用户检索的需要;另 方面,手工标注的效率无法及时索引浩如烟海的音乐作品。

  • This text presents the own improvement project in the designation of magic hand and the aggressive meaning of improvement of strapper whole performance is proved by a great deal of verification .

    在机械 的设计当中, 提出了自己的改进方案,并在经过大量的验证后,证明其对提高捆扎机的整体性能具有积极的意义。

  • With format TEXT on the other hand a plain-text parser is used to parse and index the document .

    方面,如果是 文本格式,则需要使用一个纯文本解析器来解析和索引文档。

  • During the process of audiovisual translation the translator needs to take various factors into consideration : First in terms of linguistic adaptation the special features of audiovisual channels as well as the codes and styles of audiovisual text should be considered at first hand .

    在影视翻译过程中,译者需要综合考虑各方面的要素:第一,语言顺应。 首先应该了解影视渠道的特点,以及影视 文本的因素和类型。

  • This text has put forward the implementation method of the union authentication system based on the hand vein and radio-frequency .

    本文提出了基于 静脉纹络和射频卡的联合验证系统的实现方法。

  • Online courses can transfer text pictures video and other media elements on one hand it makes the class lively and interesting on the other hand it makes the class boring and difficult to control .

    网络课程可以传输 文字、图片、视频等多种媒体元素,它一 方面可以使课堂变的生动有趣,另一方面也可能使课堂变的枯燥无味,难以掌控。

  • This part summed up the full text on the other hand it proposed that the speech act is the existence of people including thinking evaluation determination and so on .

    这部分一方面总结 全文,另 方面提出并论证言语行为就是人的存在方式,包括思维、评价和判断等几类。

  • Based on analysis of the previous text on one hand it summed up the experience of education reconstruction in Rwanda and by means of summarizing the experience of education reconstruction in Rwanda it gives inspiration on the emergency education program of Chinese schools .

    第五部分为思考与启示。在 前文分析的基础上,一 方面总结卢旺达教育重建的经验。通过总结卢旺达教育重建经验对我国学校应急教育课程建设的启示。