text mode

[tɛkst mod][tekst məud]


  • For the convenience of the user to understand the simulation results more intuitively the system adopts the method of presenting the simulation results on the screen with text mode .

    为了让用户更直观地了解仿真结果,系统采用了把仿真结果以 文本 方式显示在屏幕上的方法。

  • The interface to create partitions in text mode is similar .

    文本 模式下创建分区的界面与此类似。

  • Processing Method of Storing Hierarchical data structure in Text Mode

    文本 方式存储层次型结构数据的方法及处理

  • The program is configurable and can be used in both text mode .

    这个程序是可配置的,可以用于 文本或窗口 模式

  • Short message using Text mode is the main mean of the data transmission ; Short messages are received and sent through the AT commands . The article lists the commonly used AT commands and their usages .

    数据的传输方式主要采用短消息 方式 Text 模式;是通过AT指令来实现短消息的接收和发送,文中简单列出了一些常用的AT指令及其使用方法。

  • The second part analyses the everyday life critique according to the choice of point of view by narrative subject so as to illuminate the novelists ' cultural position and the text mode influenced by modern consciousness ;

    第2章以叙事主体的视角选择看其故乡日常生活批判,揭示作家的文化立场和现代意识渗透的 文本 方式

  • Text-based image retrieval techniques first manually extracting the image keywords used to describe the image contained in the content and then use the database query technology through the text mode to retrieve the corresponding image .

    基于文本的图像检索技术,首先以人工方式对图像提取关键字,用来描述图像包含的内容,然后利用数据库的查询技术通过 文本 方式来检索对应的图像。

  • The problems faced when developping command text mode CSCAD and approaches of solving them are introduced .

    本文重点介绍开发命令 文本 方式CSCAD时所面临的问题,以及解决这些问题所采取的方法和途径。

  • The paper introduced some practical modes of document automation and analyzed their different characteristics including pure text mode AutoCAD parametric drawing mode template mode and so on .

    对提高档案管理人员的素质、加快档案信息自动化 建设的各项工作作简单介绍,并 提出个人的一些体会及建议。

  • Some of them will work in text mode and some of them will require you to get your X environment working .

    其中有些命令将在 文本 模式下工作,有些命令将要求您运行X环境。

  • With QEMU up and running it runs in text mode or in graphics mode in a window on your local system .

    当QEMU准备好运行,它会以 文字 模式窗口中的图形模式在本机系统下运行。

  • Establishment of Landscape and Background Color of Text Mode

    彩色 文本 方式的前景和背景颜色的设置

  • This paper presents an application algorithm and program by VB6.0 programming language for combination number computation of a group of specific numerals under given conditions . The basic algorithm the output method in text mode as well as the procedure code realization are discussed in detail .

    本文阐述了使用VB6.0编程语言对一组特定数字进行给定条件组合数计算的应用编写程序,讨论了基本算法、结果的 文本 方式输出以及程序代码的实现。

  • All other data would be sent in clear text mode .

    其它所有数据按不 加密 方式传送。

  • The display method of Chinese character is given in text mode and graph mode and some ways of menu design are discussed .

    给出了 文本 方式和图形方式下汉字显示的方法,并就界面设计的几种形式进行了探讨。

  • Note : Text mode can be w r wt rt and so on .

    请注意: 文本 模式可以是w、r、wt、rt等。

  • You should consider either increasing the baud rate used for performing the installation or performing a text mode installation .

    您要么通过提高波特率提升安装效率,要么使用 文本 模式安装。

  • At present text mode and graphic mode are separately managed in main RPOS that brings user inconvenience .

    目前主要的无功优化软件对于 文本 方式和图形方式是分开管理的,给使用带来不变。

  • The default mode is rt or open for reading text mode .

    默认的模式是rt,即打开供读取的 文本 模式

  • In text mode press Enter on the + w_82 View License link to read the license .

    文本 模式中,在+]ViewLicense链接上按Enter键来阅读许可。

  • Content-based image retrieval ( CBIR ) system is different from traditional retrieval system based on text mode .

    所谓基于内容的图像检索系统,具有与传统基于 文本的检索系统完全不同的 框架

  • The stream mode is my personal choice because it offers real-time viewing of audit events due to the audit log file being written to in text mode .

    我个人喜欢选用流模式,因为它以 文本 模式写审计日志文件,允许实时地查看审计事件。

  • In the singlechip system of using LCD Usually text mode is used to display character and graphic mode is used to display chinese character .

    在采用点阵式液晶显示器的单片机系统中,一般用 文本 方式显示字符,用图形方式显示汉字。

  • Portable collectors run in text mode only making them ideal for running remotely on a system that can only be accessed through a telnet session or by a low-speed network connection .

    便携收集器仅以 文本 模式运行,特别适合于在只能通过telnet会话或低速网络连接访问的系统上远程运行。

  • The computer may keep restarting and never start the GUI installation after the text mode setup is finished .

    计算机可能不断重新启动,并且在 文本 模式安装完成后总不能启动gui安装。

  • In Ancient China there were three formative modes of genre category behavioral mode text mode and that in literary system .

    中国古代文体的分类有三种生成方式,即作为行为方式的文体分类、作为 文本 方式的文体分类和文章体系内的文体分类。

  • Displaying and Realizing Chinese Character in Text Mode

    字符 方式下的汉字显示及实现

  • There are two transfer modes in serial communication of computer : Text mode and Binary mode .

    计算机的串行通信有两种传输模式: 文本 模式和二进制模式。