text attribute

[tɛkst əˈtrɪbjut][tekst əˈtribju:t]


  • Bear in mind that this is a complete copy of the requirement text and the attribute values .

    记住需求 文本 属性值有一个完整的拷贝。

  • This text thinks that the multiple property right attribute of the educational products of our country has determined that there is no nature in the educational investment structure and proposes the profound solution .

    文章 产权经济学的观点出发,认为我国教育产品的多重产权 属性,决定了教育投资体制中存在着不完全市场化性质,从而提出当前银校合作中亟待解决的深层次问题。

  • This method adopts the weight information of text attribute to the process of inference and decision and gives a further identification to the undecided documents on the basis of the original decision result .

    算法将 文本 属性权重信息用于推理及判别过程,在原有判别效果基础上对不确定文档进行进一步判别。

  • It 's faster to create a new node populate its text attribute manually and then serialize it .

    手动创建新节点、填充 文本 属性并进行序列化,这样做的速度更快。

  • The method of extracting semi-structured information is simple and effective . The algorithm matches the text to the attribute dictionary and then extracts directly attribute value through simple rule .

    对于半结构化人物信息,需要 正文去匹配 人物 属性词典,然后结合简单规则,直接提取属性值就行了,方法简单而有效。

  • RDFa parsers will retrieve the value from the text node of the element to which the property attribute is attached .

    RDFa解析器会从property 属性所附属的元素的 文本节点(textnode)中将值取出来。

  • The import operation follows this unwritten rule ; it either populates a line of text ( to Object Text attribute ) or a heading ( to Object Heading attribute ) .

    导入的操作遵循该不成文的规则;它不会实现一行文本(为Object Text 属性)或者一个标题(为ObjectHeading属性)。

  • A method to identify each typed text attribute in query interface by machine learning methods is proposed . ( 3 ) By the classification of attributes For different types of attributes used different methods to find appropriate query words .

    分析了查询接口中属性的特点,提出了通过机器学习的方法识别查询接口中每个特定的 文本 属性。(3)通过对属性的分类,针对不同类型的属性采用不同方法产生查询词。

  • XML processors normalize attributes in ways that can change the raw text of the attribute value .

    XML处理程序规格化属性的方式可能改变 属性值的原始 文本

  • The Menu object has a text attribute whose value is a String representing the title of the menu to be displayed & File in this case .

    Menu对象有一个 text 属性,该 属性的值是一个String,表示要显示的菜单的标题&本例为File。

  • Tolerance information is very important for CAD / CAM which is just a text attribute in present 3D CAD system and has little semantics . Such information can not be used for subsequent CAPP CAM etc.

    目前三维CAD系统中的 几何公差信息只是一种 文本 符号,缺乏工程语义,如何对其作出合理的解释对于CAD/CAM集成有着十分重要的意义。

  • Improvement of Text Similarity Computing Algorithm Based on Attribute

    基于 属性 文本相似度计算算法改进

  • As the WCAG SC1.1.1 guidelines described all non-text content should have an alt text attribute .

    根据WCAGSC1.1.1指南描述,所有非文本内容都应有alt 文本 属性

  • According to the dissimilarity applied the variables in the Share memory can be divided into dynamic parameters static parameters accounting parameters the field of text parameters and attribute of trade parameters .

    共享内存中的变量按照应用的不同可以分为:动态参数、静态参数、账务参数、 报文域参数以及交易 属性参数。

  • Other types of macros called character references may be used in the text of an HTML document or within attribute values .

    称为字符引用的其他类型的宏可以在HTML文档的 文本部分或者 属性值中使用。

  • So you have text nodes element nodes and attribute nodes .

    所以可以有 文本节点、元素节点和 属性节点。

  • The basic problems in realizing Virtual City are how to store load query and update large-scale 3D models efficiently and how to manage 3D Model with the vector-graph text attribute and raster data .

    实现虚拟城市应用的其中一个基本问题就是如何有效的存储、读取、检索和更新大规模的场景数据,以及把虚拟场景和矢量地图、 文字 属性以及栅格数据进行统一管理。

  • In the previous examples text search is performed on the complete XML document structure ( in other words in all the text nodes and attribute values regardless of where the search criteria are met in the document ) .

    在前面的示例中,文本搜索在整个XML文档结构上执行(换句话说,在所有 文本节点和 属性值上执行,而不管搜索条件匹配文档中的哪些部分)。

  • The final point to note is that you have also changed the fields used in the text attribute of your repeated mx : Text component .

    最后需要注意的一点是,您还更改了重复的mx:Text组件的 文本 属性中的字段。

  • Once the text field is defined the content attribute of the GridCell for the text field can contain just the variable name as its value .

    定义好 文本字段后,用于文本字段的GridCell的content 属性可包含这个变量名作为它的值。

  • Analysising of the question of tourism environment this text points out the attribute with public goods of tourism environment .

    本文通过对旅游环境问题的剖析,指出了旅游环境具有的公共物品的 属性

  • The SECTION clause specifies to limit text search to the catx XML attribute using the corresponding XPath .

    SECTION子句使用对应的XPath将 文本搜索限制到“catx”XML 属性

  • They are necessary because a Rational DOORS object will normally contain either a value for the object heading attribute or for the object text attribute .

    它们是需要的,因为RationalDOORS对象一般包含了对象头属性的值,或者对象 文本 属性

  • SVG is a opening standard of vector graphics describes languages having text attribute .

    SVG是一种开放标准的 文本式矢量图形描述语言。

  • In order to solve the data scarcity problem of massive short text categorization a semi-supervised short text categorization method based on attribute selection was presented .

    针对海量短文本分类中的标注语料匮乏问题,提出了一种基于 属性选择的半监督短 文本分类算法。

  • The text attribute defines the name of the MenuItem and the action attribute contains an operation that determines the item 's behavior .

    text 属性定义MenuItem的名称,action属性包含一个决定菜单项行为的操作。

  • Lastly the text value of the attribute is placed inside the newly created element .

    最后, 属性 文本值放在新创建的元素中。

  • Data binding is performed using braces ( for example the TextArea element 's text attribute is bound to the ActionScript message instance variable ) .

    数据绑定通过大括号执行(例如,将TextArea元素的 text 属性绑定到ActionScriptmessage实例变量)。