text body

[tɛkst ˈbɑdi][tekst ˈbɔdi]

[计] 正文体

  • The full text main body through the summary various countries the control manner and the comparison various countries concrete control measure and the control method which adopts in the VoIP control obtains VoIP in the control method and the strategy general principle .

    全文 主体通过总结各国在VoIP管制上采取的管制态度和比较各国具体的管制措施和管制方法,得出VoIP在管制方法和策略上的一般性原则。

  • Finally store the rest of the text as the body .

    最后将剩馀的 文本作为域 保存。

  • We think that the beautification is mainly due to the visual symbols of the text body text systematicness and sociality which includes political factors the traditional way of thinking of the Chinese people and writing instruments .

    认为古文字美化的原因主要为 文字的视觉符号性、文字的 形体系统性和文字的社会性,其中社会性包括政治因素、中国人民传统思维方式和书写工具。

  • Finally the author from the three aspects of the text contained in the main body spirit were analyzed : the desire to return ; national weak millennium cultural character of reflection ; self reflection .

    最后,笔者从三个方面对 文本所包含的 主体精神进行了分析:热望回归;对民族疲弱千年的文化性格的反思;自我反思。

  • Based above this thesis puts forward some cultural leading methods for the new-generation of primary oversea Chinese material . First the whole content of culture needs to be systematized making the text as main body and teaching the main Chinese culture .

    在此基础上,对新一代初级汉语教材中文化导入的方法提出了自己的一些构想,首先,整合文化内容使之系统化,可以以 课文主体,对中国社会的主体文化进行系统教学。

  • The 3rd part mainly describes the aesthetic generalization to the extension of text and body .

    第三部分主要论述奥古斯丁美学思想在 文本 主体方面的呈现。

  • The article consists of three parts : preface main text body and epilogue .

    文章包括引言、 正文、结语三个部分.正文一共分为六个部分。

  • It is a dictionary with the text body and the novel while both the traditional narrative form of innovation but also a tradition .

    它是词典 和小说 文本的结合,同时它既是对传统叙述形式的创新,又是一种传承。

  • Search a list of area code information for the text in the body of the received e-mail .

    在一个区号信息列表中搜索收到的电子邮件 正文 文本

  • An @ Prompt list box shows the response choices from the @ DBLookup command and inserts this text in the email body field .

    @Prompt列表框显示@DBLookup命令选择的回复并将该 文本插入电子邮件 正文字段中。

  • Text as the body part the first quarter briefly summarized the related conditions of the preemptive rights in ancient China the concept and characteristic of the preemption and also make a definition and divisional in the related concepts of priorities and preemptive rights .

    正文作为 主体部分,首先概括叙述了优先购买权的相关状况,归纳总结了中国古代优先购买权的概念和特征,并对优先购买权和优先权相关概念进行了界定和区分。

  • Text : The body matter of a page as distinct from headings and display type .

    正文内文):书页内的 主体材料,有别于标题和装饰字体。

  • The text is the main body of the paper including three parts . The first chapter is the first part discussing the form of the agriculturist group in recent China .

    正文是全文的 主体,可分为三部分,第一部分即第一章,主要探讨中国近代农业科学家群体的形成。

  • There are three parts : preface main content and conclusion in which the main text body has three chapters .

    全文共分前言、主文和结论三部分,其中 主文共三章。

  • The whole text of the body is divided into four chapters : In the chapter I as the breakthrough point I analyze the legal meaning of the belief of the law .

    全文 正文共分为四章:第一章以信仰为切入点,剖析了法律信仰的内涵,并且深入分析了培育法律信仰的现实意义。

  • The fax is blank . Type text in the main body of the message attach a document to the fax or choose a cover sheet .

    传真为空。请在传真邮件 正文中键入 文字、向传真附加文档或选择一张首页。

  • The full text of the main body is divided into five parts : Part 1 Northern Song Landscape Painting title poem outlines . Northern Song Landscape Painting Poetry rich in quantity in the artist the artist representing the overwhelming majority of scholars .

    全文 主体分为五部分:第一章北宋山水题画诗概述北宋山水题画诗创作数量丰富,在被题咏的画家中,文人画家占了绝大多数。

  • The full text main body altogether divides three parts : 1 . Mathematics study sleepy fresh characteristics .

    全文 主体共分三部分:1.数学学困生的特征。

  • This text will carry body and its oneself to the dissemination of the television movie creation characteristics art regulation to do a deep time of integration explore television movie a television to turn of existence characteristic for theories research add brick to add tile .

    本文将把电视电影的传播 载体与其自身制作特点、艺术规律做深层次的整合,探寻电视电影电视化的生存特征,为理论研究添砖加瓦。

  • From an international point of view this text describes the main body of children with minors is the unifying concept .

    从国际上来看,儿童与 本文阐述 主体&未成年人指的是同一概念。

  • The text is the main body of the thesis .

    正文是论文的 主体部分。

  • And add text to the body of the message if you wish

    而且如果你愿意的话,把 文本加到消息的 主体

  • The order shown in the display box is the order each rich text body field response is concatenated in the new email .

    在显示框中的显示顺序就是每个富 文本 正文字段回复连接到新电子邮件中的顺序。

  • The style is of interation all the text by the body language and strive to strict simple and standard .

    文体,一律采用 语体 ,力求严谨、简洁、规范。

  • This means that on its Web site by adding text into the body to increase the target keyword is a necessary and practical things but doing so proved very effective .

    这也就是说,在自己的网站之中加入 文本 主体中增加目标关键字是一件必须且踏实的事情,而且实践证明这样做是很有效的。

  • Text to display in the body area of this dialog .

    要在该对话框的 正文区显示的 文本