
abbr.thorium 钍

  • The study was presented at the American Sociological Association's100 th Annual Meeting .

    这个研究报告在美国社会学协会 100次年会上提出。

  • He found th place without difficulty .


  • Th other side of this bridge is Luxembourg .

    桥的 一边就是卢森堡了。

  • In90 s of the20 th century nano materials research carried out in the world .

    20 世纪90年代,关于纳米材料的研究在世界范围内展开。

  • Today I saw your message in our blog and linked your blog in it ! Th u v m !

    今天看到你的留言了,我把你的博客做了 圈圈的链接,谢谢!

  • We reserve the right th alter this timetable .

    我们保留改变 时间表的权利。

  • Objective : To analyze the cases of transudatory hydrothorax ( TH ) in order to improve its diagnostic rate .

    目的:为了提高 漏出性胸腔积液的诊断率对其进行病因分析。

  • Now you want to be in a room th him ?

    现在你却想和他同处 一室

  • The May4 ~ ( th ) ideological revolution was bound to the change of language .

    另一方面,语言是思想的载体, 五四思想革命势必会带来语言上的变化。

  • Th is is a small group .


  • I had a bad experience in th last place I worked .

    我在前一个工作单位的 经历很糟糕。

  • He showed great bravery in saving th drowning child and he succeeded .

    他展现了他非凡的勇敢并成功的 救起了男孩。

  • Writing TH TL and the configuration byte is done using a memory function command .

    使用记忆函数命令,文字 TH、TL和配置字节完成。

  • In combining loads the timing and causal relationships that exist among TH DY and .

    相结合的负荷,时机和 TH,DY,以及之间存在因果关系。

  • I met my wife rachel while serving in th Royal navy .

    在皇家海军服役时,我遇到了我的妻子 雷切尔

  • The chapter fictions in the19 th century had strong clime difference and clime culture factor .

    19 世纪章回小说蕴含着强烈的地域特色与地域文化因素。

  • So we feel all the fructose we see – especially in soda-pop – is a bad th in g.

    因此我们觉得果糖,特别是 汽水中的果糖对人体是不利的。

  • Regulation and Significance of the Th Cells Differentiation in HBV Infection Research

    HBV感染研究中 Th细胞分化的调节和意义

  • The new interpretation of the clusters might give new content to regional advantages and offer new th .

    对集群现象新的解释赋予了区域优势新的内容,为区域经济发展提供了新的 思维

  • D ɪ ck stood at the desk ɪ n a state of utter stupefact ɪ on star ɪ ng w ɪ th all h ɪ s m ɪ ght at the beauteous sally .

    狄克迷迷糊糊地立在桌子旁边,拚死命地盯着 天仙似的萨丽。

  • The psychomotor abnormalities are out of proportion to those observed in severe congenital TH deficiency .

    精神运动异常与那些在先天性 甲状腺 激素缺乏的患者中观察到的不成比例。

  • According to his skill he became th most outstanding player in the band .

    按照他的技巧,他成了 乐队里最出色的演奏者。

  • The welcoming reception of the29 th Olympic Games Organizing Committee now begins .

    29 奥运会组委会欢迎招待会现在开始。

  • I am enrolled at the Victorian English school from Sept. 1 st to March 20 th .


  • In case you are developing a theme this is th best way you can check alignments .

    如果你正在开发一个主题,这是 最佳途径,您可以检查路线。

  • The right of reproduction and communication is a basic of that th .

    复制权和传播权是版权人 享有的基本权利。

  • The nested < th > tags define the columns in the table .

    嵌套的 标记定义表中的列。

  • Or the things th I feel ?

    或是我感觉到的 事情

  • Th 's the one thing I know .


  • We will be pleased if you join them in accepting our invitation to the39 th edition of the exhibition .

    我们会很高兴如果你参加展览他们在接受我们的邀请,版的 39