


  • Study of Adsorption of Tetracycline on Soils Affected by Phosphate


  • The lower were Erythromycin Tetracycline Ofloxacin .

    药物敏感性较低的是红霉素、氧氟沙星和 四环素

  • When the researchers tried the same trick with tetracycline a commonly prescribed antibiotic they got similar results .

    研究者们又在人们经常使用的 四环素 盘尼西林上进行了同样的实验,结果也不 意料。

  • For those who are allergic to penicillin tetracycline erythromycin and doxycycline could be used .

    对青霉素过敏者可使用 四环素、红霉素和强力霉素。

  • The strains are sensitive to tetracycline doxycycline and ciprofloxacin .

    该菌对 四环素、强力霉素、环丙沙星敏感。

  • Offspring of the mosquitoes die before reaching sexual maturity in the absence of the antibiotic tetracycline .

    在不存在 四环素(一种抗生素)的情况下,这种蚊子的后代在达到性成熟之前就死亡了。

  • Tetracycline sensitive is the worst sensitive ( 22.2 % ) .


  • The male GM mosquitoes mate with normal females to produce larvae that die unless the antibiotic tetracycline is present .

    这些转基因雄蚊与正常雌蚊交配,从而产生出只有抗生素 四环素存在的情况下才不会死亡的幼虫。

  • Tetracycline is indicated in such cases .

    这种病例 四环素显示很有效。

  • Erythromycin or tetracycline are the antibiotics of choice but the mortality remains high ( 20 % ) .

    可选用红霉素或 四环素治疗,但死亡率仍高(占20%)。

  • Adsorption of Tetracycline in Wastewater by Modified Corn Stalks

    改性玉米秸秆吸附去除废水中 四环素的研究

  • Before the fat camps and tetracycline .

    在去减肥夏令营和 四环素前。

  • The determination method of Tetracycline family of drugs residue in the tissue was improved through the pretreatment and selection optimization of GC analytical conditions .

    通过前处理方法和色谱分析条件的选择优化,改进了组织中 四环素族药物残留的检测方法。

  • Method improvement of determination the tetracycline family of drug residues in organization by HPLC

    组织中的 四环素族药物残留的HPLC检测方法的改进

  • Biodegradation of Tetracycline Antibiotics Residues in Swine Manure

    猪粪中 四环素 抗生素残留物的生物降解

  • CONCLUSION Penicillin and Tetracycline are not appropriate for gonorrhea .

    结论青霉素、 四环素已经不再适用于淋病的治疗;

  • An antibiotic derived from tetracycline that is effective against many infections .

    来源于有效的抵抗许多传染疾病的 四环素的抗生素。

  • Those frustrating days of tetracycline and gritty soaps left my face not clean and glowing but red and raw .

    在那些恼人的日子里, 四环素和磨砂肥皂不仅没有让我的面部光洁,反而使它又红又粗糙。

  • Detection of erythromycin and tetracycline resistant genes in Streptococcus suis clinical isolates

    红霉素与 四环素耐药基因在猪链球菌临床分离株中的检测

  • Determination of Tetracycline Antibiotics Residues in Animal-derived Food by HPLC

    动物源食品中 四环素 抗生素残留高效液相色谱检测方法的研究

  • Of the isolates tested the percentage of strains resistant to tetracycline was not applicable .

    测试样本中,对 四环素的抗药性测试是不适用的。

  • Molecular Mechanism of Nicotinamide and Tetracycline in the Treatment of Bullous Pemphigoid

    烟酰胺和 四环素治疗大疱性类天疱疮的分子机制初探

  • ObjectiveTo construct the microbial limit test method for tetracycline ointment .

    目的建立 四环素眼膏的微生物限度检查法。

  • The arsenic mercury and alcohol tetracycline and erythromycin equalizes enzymology material thallotoxicosis can also cause diarrhea .

    砷、汞、酒精、 四环素、红霉素等化学物质中毒,也可引起腹泻。

  • Least effective were chlortetracycline oxytetracycline and tetracycline .

    效力最差的是金霉素、土霉素和 四环素

  • Study on Resistance of Streptococcus Suis Against Tetracycline and Its Resistant Genes

    猪链球菌对 四环素 抗生素耐药性及耐药基因研究

  • In tetracycline 's absence an enzyme accumulates to a toxic level killing the larvae .

    在缺乏 四环素的情况下,一种酶会积累到有毒的浓度,杀死幼虫。

  • A tetracycline antibiotic ( trade name Minocin ) used to treat a variety of bacterial and rickettsial infections .

    一种用来治疗各种细菌和里克次氏体属微生物传染疾病的四环系抗菌素(商标是二甲胺 四环素)。

  • Adsorption of Tetracycline Wastewater by Treated Corn Straw

    改性玉米秸秆 四环素废水的吸附研究

  • The strain had developed resistance to eight antibiotics including streptomycin and tetracycline .

    这个菌株对包括链霉素和 四环素在内的八种抗生素产生了耐药性。