therapeutic efficacy

[ˌθɛrəˈpjutɪk ˈɛfɪkəsi][ˌθerəˈpju:tɪk ˈefɪkəsi:]


  • Conclusion Earlier operation treatment can produce better therapeutic efficacy to the patient of hip fracture complicated with cerebral infarction .

    结论脑梗死患者股骨颈骨折或股骨粗隆间骨折早期手术治疗可以获得较好的 治疗 效果

  • Objective To explore the safety and therapeutic efficacy of hemofiltration without anticoagulation in critically ill patients at high risk of bleeding .

    目的探讨无抗凝血液滤过技术在有高危出血风险的危重患者中应用的安全性和 有效

  • Objective : To investigate the therapeutic efficacy of the operation on calcaneal intraarticular fracture .

    目的:探讨开放复位 治疗跟骨关节内骨折的 临床 价值

  • The Effect of Psychological Intervention on the Therapeutic Efficacy of Hypertensive Patients

    心理干预对高血压患者 治疗 效果的影响

  • Conclusion Jiawei Baitouweng granule has a safe and obvious therapeutic efficacy on the damp-heat ulcerative colitis .

    结论加味白头翁配方颗粒 治疗湿热内蕴型溃疡性结肠炎安全 有效

  • Objective To observe the therapeutic efficacy and side effects of intraperitoneal chemotherapy combined with intravenous chemotherapy .

    目的观察腹腔化疗联合静脉化疗治疗晚期胃癌的 临床 疗效及毒副反应。

  • Bonin in combination with chemotherapy can improve therapeutic efficacy and bone mineral density .

    博宁联合化疗可以提高 疗效,并可促进骨转移灶的修复。

  • Aim To observe the therapeutic efficacy of Matrine on viral keratitis .

    目的观察苦参碱对病毒性角膜炎的 治疗 效果

  • OBJECTIVE : To preparation Ru'an mixture and establish its quality standard and observe its therapeutic efficacy .

    目的:制备乳安 合剂,并建立其质量标准。

  • This translates into enhanced therapeutic efficacy for drugs like doxorubicin that have intracellular site of action .

    继而又转化成提高阿霉素这类作用于细胞内位点药物的 治疗 效果

  • Clinical study of changes of the hemodynamics and therapeutic efficacy during laparoscopic renal cyst unroofing

    腹腔镜肾囊肿去顶术中血流动力学变化及 治疗 效果的临床研究

  • To investigate the therapeutic efficacy and economic analysis of ultrafilter concentration in refractory ascites .

    研究腹水超滤浓缩腹腔回输治疗难治性腹水的 临床 疗效并进行经济学评价。

  • Objective : To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of synchronous exchange transfusion on hyperbilirubinemia .

    目的:探讨同步换血对重症新生儿高间胆红素血症的 疗效

  • Objective To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of Oral Irrigator in treatment of gingivitis in the bridge of prosthesis .

    目的观察口腔冲洗器治疗冠桥修复体龈炎的 疗效

  • Objective To observe the clinical therapeutic efficacy of comprehensive treatment on body surface hemangioma and vascular malformations .

    目的观察综合治疗体表血管瘤及脉管畸形的临床 疗效

  • Objective : To study the clinical therapeutic efficacy for gingivitis with Super-Oxidized Solution .

    目的:研究强氧化水溶液治疗牙龈炎的 临床 效果

  • Conclusion Danshen Lyophilized Powder for injection can increase the therapeutic efficacy of ulcerative colitis patients .

    结论联合应用活血化瘀药物能提高溃疡性结肠炎 疗效

  • Analysis of anxiety depression and personality in insomniac patients and evaluation of therapeutic efficacy of drugs

    失眠症患者抑郁、焦虑因素和人格倾向分析及药物 治疗 效果评价

  • Objective To investigate the methods of cataract extraction with occlusion of pupil and observe the therapeutic efficacy .

    目的探讨伴有瞳孔膜闭的白内障摘出术的手术技巧并观察其 手术 效果

  • Objective To observe the value of CT perfusion imaging ( CTPI ) in evaluating the therapeutic efficacy of anti-angiogenic therapy and chemotherapy for osteosarcoma .

    目的探讨CT灌注成像(CTPI)在骨肉瘤抗血管生成治疗及化疗 疗效判断中的应用价值。

  • Objective : To study the comparative therapeutic efficacy of sublingual captopril and intravenous nicardipine in treating hypertensive emergency by Contrastive analysis .

    目的:对比研究卡托普利舌下含服与尼卡地平静脉注射治疗高血压急症的 疗效

  • Objective : To evaluate the short-term therapeutic efficacy of parathyroid hormone and calcitonin in postmenopausal osteoporotic women .

    目的:比较甲状旁腺激素和降钙素对绝经后妇女骨质疏松的短期 疗效

  • Objective To observe the therapeutic efficacy of electroacupuncture in children with cerebral palsy .

    目的观察电针治疗小儿脑瘫的的 临床 疗效

  • OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of Cidan capsule combined with transcather hepatic arterial chemoembolization ( TACE ) for patients with advanced hepatocarcinoma .

    目的:观察 慈丹胶囊联合肝动脉化疗栓塞术(TACE)在中、晚期原发性肝癌综合 治疗 作用

  • Objective : To investigate the therapeutic efficacy of atomization inhalation in the treatment of children with asthmatic diseases .

    目的:探讨雾化吸入 治疗在喘息性疾病的应用价道。

  • Objective : To investigate the therapeutic efficacy of nerve branch injection with compound betamethasone in primary trigeminal neuralgia .

    目的:评价复方倍他米松神经干注射治疗原发性三叉神经痛的 临床 疗效

  • Objective To assess the therapeutic efficacy and the mechanism of DC-CIK immunotherapy against malignant tumors .

    目的探讨树突状细胞(DC)-细胞因子诱导的杀伤细胞(CIK)细胞免疫治疗恶性肿瘤的 疗效及机制。

  • Objective To study the operative type and therapeutic efficacy of the parotid gland carcinoma .

    目的探讨腮腺癌的手术方式和 治疗 效果