theoretical principle

[ˌθiəˈrɛtɪkəl ˈprɪnsəpəl][ˌθiəˈretikəl ˈprinsəpl]


  • He basic theoretical principle and development of CT image reconstruction are discussed our contributions to this field are mentioned .

    综述了CT图象重建的基本 理论与发展,以及我们在这一方面中所作的贡献。

  • Theoretical principle and practical application are demonstrated by a4105Q diesel engine as an example .

    阐述原理,并以 4105Q型柴油机为例给出了实测结果。

  • Dynamics and Electricity are the theoretical principle to model building and Math is the mean of solving the model however it is the foundation to this studying that this article applies the theory of Fourier series well .

    力学和电学是建立模型的 理论 基础,数学是处理模型的方法和手段,其中对傅立叶级数的充分利用是本文研究得以开展的基础。

  • The second chapter introduces the theoretical principle of Postmodern Feminism .

    第二章论述了后现代女性主义的 理论 基础

  • Theoretical principle of axiomatic design is introduced .

    介绍了公理化设计方法的 理论 基础,用公理化设计的方法对单螺杆连续挤出系统进行了 理论上的分析。

  • By making in-depth research of direct earth capacitance current detection method which is based on injecting variable-frequency signal method the paper carries out proper improvement on basis of the existing theoretical principle and designs swept signal source .

    深入研究基于注入变频信号法的对地电容电流检测方法,并在已有的 理论基础上进行了合理的改进,设计了扫频信号源。

  • The theoretical principle procedure and methodologies of the period check in measurement practices are introduced .

    本文采用元素分析和镀层形貌相结合的方法探讨镀层初期形核 机理

  • It gives a brief introduction of the angle of view over research and mainly focuses the theoretical principle of synergistic marketing such as nonzero cooperative game theory transaction cost theory and enterprise resources theory . Secondly the motive factors of joint marketing are analyzed .

    介绍了一些学者对协同营销的研究视角,重点阐述了协同营销的 理论 基础&非零和合作博弈理论,交易成本理论,资源观理论。其次对协同营销的动力因素进行了分析。

  • This Paper introduces the method of staining on dissolving tungsten ore test and its theoretical principle .

    本文介绍了商品性钨矿样品的溶矿、染色试验方法和 理论 原理

  • The theoretical principle experimental method and results of interrelation analysis identification for the instability of two - phase flow are described in this paper .

    叙述了用相关分析系统辨识方法判别两相流动不稳定性的 原理、实验方法及测试结果。

  • In this section the author discusses the theoretical principle of criminal sociology and criminal policy on which probation system relies through the aspects of its origin and historical evolution and then describes the concepts and characteristics of probation system .

    在该部分中,作者从缓刑制度产生及发展的历史沿革中探讨了缓刑制度赖以存在的刑事社会学及刑事政策 理论 基础,并阐述了缓刑制度的概念和特征。

  • This paper discussed the theoretical principle of dimension effect and the dimension effect error formula was deduced .

    在分析舰船 杆臂效应 原理的基础上,推导出舰船杆臂效应误差公式。

  • Government in Collaboration with Other Stakeholders in Financial Education Contracts-Based on Theoretical Principle and Integrated Mode

    教育金融契约中政府与其他利益相关者的合作& 理论 基础与组合模式

  • Using Young modulus of apparatus the hysteresis property of tension exerted by steel wire is analyzed The experimental way and theoretical principle are provided to check the quality of springs .

    利用杨氏模量测定仪对钢丝力的滞后特性进实验分析,为减少实验误差和检验弹簧的好坏提供了一种实验途径及 理论 依据

  • The theoretical principle of the all-fiber polarization-stable wavelength-tunable photonic millimeter-wave generator is studied .

    研究了全光纤偏振稳定可调谐光子毫米波发生器的 理论 基础

  • This thesis throughout and deeply studies the theoretical principle and the method system on building integration in universities within the research category of group-buildings and its environment form of university campus .

    本文以高校校园群体建筑及其环境构成为研究范畴,对如何达到群构状态的 理论 原则和方法体系进行了较为全面而深入的研究。

  • Conclusion : This anatomical research might embody a theoretical principle into a clinical practice It 's a new view and method for clinical operation design and practice .

    结论:此项解剖学 研究 联系临床实际,为临床手术设计和应用提供了一个新的视角和方法。

  • Firstly according to the analysis on the life style and work way of the youth in information age the thesis supplies the theoretical principle to the SOHO furniture .

    首先,通过对信息时代年轻人生活形态和生活方式的分析,为SOHO家具研究提供 理论 基础

  • We then emphasize from the theoretical principle and the experimental realization the efficiency of the quantum factorization by using the remainder function and discrete Fourier transform .

    并着重从 理论 原理和实验实现这两方面说明利用余因子函数和离散傅里叶变换使这种量子算法对因子分解是有效的。

  • This model provides an theoretical principle for building the generator model for power system analysis .

    该模型为进一步建立电力系统仿真所用发电机模型提供了 理论 基础

  • The main content of this paper is as follows : Chapter one defines the important concept of this research and makes simple description for theoretical principle .

    本论文的主要内容如下:第一章对本研究中的重要概念进行了界定,并对研究的 理论 基础进行简要阐释。

  • The different theoretical principle has caused the different good and bad points .

    不同的 理论 基础导致了不同的优缺点。

  • Experimental approach statistical analysis and picture management was the auxiliary module experimental approach module provided the main method of bioassay and toxicology which can supply the theoretical principle for the research ;

    试验方法、统计分析与图片管理为本系统的辅助模块,试验方法向用户提供了植物源农药研究与开发中所用到的主要的生物测定和毒理研究方法,为研究提供 理论 依据

  • Chapter three discusses the theoretical principle of brand building in higher vocational school including brand theory education service marketing theory and high education marketization theory and so on .

    第三部分论述了高职院校品牌培育的 理论 基础,包括品牌理论、教育服务营销理论和高等教育市场化理论等。

  • As the theoretical principle of competence-competence both the theory of relying on contract and the theory of vested power hold some of redeeming feature .

    作为国际商事仲裁庭管辖权自治 原则 理论依据的“合同授权说”与“法律授权说”均有其合理之处。

  • At the same time through analysed theoretical principle of CNC servo system simplified the closed-loop system established a mathematical model of the control system .

    同时通过对数控伺服进给系统 原理 理论分析,降阶简化了系统的闭环传递函数,建立了控制系统的数学模型。

  • This result offers a theoretical principle for the idioplasmic resource research of officinal plants .

    这一研究结果为药用植物种质资源研究提供 参考 依据

  • The article puts forward that the relation between administrative culture and responsible government is bidirectional effecting . on the basis of analyzing the theoretical principle and character of responsible government and the character and function of administrative culture .

    本文在对责任政府的 理论 基础、特征和行政文化的特点和作用分析的基础上,指出了行政文化和责任政府建设之间的双向作用关系。

  • First of all the paper discussed the background and the significance of doing the research study in mathematics as well as its learning aim study characteristic and theoretical principle of pedagogical psychology .

    论文首先探讨了开展数学研究性学习的背景、意义以及它的学习目标、学习特点和 操作 模式